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View Full Version : Shurflo 4008 and Recirc Line - Needle Valve

01-18-2020, 02:31 PM
Hi all,

I'm looking for a little advice on adding recirc to my 4008.
I have the 4008 attached to a 6 way star fitting. I will have 6 lines coming in from the woods.
I'd like to add in a recirc line, and was thinking about using a Tee just upstream of the star on one of the lines coming in from the woods. I'd sue a small needle valve on on a line from the tank to this Tee so I can throttle up of down recirc flow.

Is this a sound idea?



01-18-2020, 02:36 PM
Should work good. I would pick the line with the fewest taps to T into

maple flats
01-19-2020, 10:25 AM
I would not go into the 6 way with a tee in any of the laterals, I would use a Tee between the 6 way and the pump, then have a needle valve on the re-circulate. IMHO the original idea would mess with the line you added the tee in.