View Full Version : Worried about an early end in central Ohio for silver maples...

01-18-2020, 09:37 AM
I spent some time this morning looking at my data from the past 2 years and comparing it to The Ohio State Phenology Calendar. They are calculating how many warm, growing days the trees and plants have, which lead to first bloom (budding).
You put in your zip code here: https://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/gdd/default.asp

I crosschecked my data from the past 2 years and my sap stopped flowing almost exactly when their website said the silver maples should bloom.

For silver maples, the first bloom is 34 GDD. Today, 1/18/2020, we are at 16 GDD. In 2019 we didn't get to up to 16 GDD until 2/6/2019. In 2018 we didn't get to 16 GDD until 1/28/2018. I haven't tapped yet and my trees are half way to budding.
Red maples bloom at 44 GDD. Sugar maples are not listed on their website.

Apparently the weather we've had is conducive to plant growth. I already have daffodils that are 2" out of the ground.

Based on what the data shows from only the last 2 years, I am expecting a early season with a low quantity of sap. If it stops raining today I'm going to get my taps in. For anyone else with silver maples, check to see what your current GDD count is and consider getting those taps in early. I hope to be proven wrong...

01-18-2020, 02:18 PM
winter is running late. go back to the roots of maple. after the freeze let nature do its thing.

01-18-2020, 04:50 PM
Dumb question here...

Are Growing Degree Days the number of days until the event happens or, the number of days required above a set temperature until that event.

Example: Using today's date for North East Ohio it states there are 44 days until 1st bloom for red maples. Is that 44 days from today - or 44 warm days.

01-18-2020, 05:35 PM
Dumb question here...

Are Growing Degree Days the number of days until the event happens or, the number of days required above a set temperature until that event.

Example: Using today's date for North East Ohio it states there are 44 days until 1st bloom for red maples. Is that 44 days from today - or 44 warm days.

Its a calculation between daytime high and overnight low.
Dont be to concerned about the numbers, as silly as that sounds, mother nature will tell you when its time. Ive got all red maples and ive made lots of syrup well after the numbers say to stop. For the most part our trees last just about as long as our friends sugar maples. Dont know how or why, but nature knows

01-18-2020, 06:25 PM
Granted, I'm in WI, but a few years ago our silvers bloomed mid-Feb. Made syrup until the end of March. Flower buds popping aren't the end of great syrup from silvers.

01-18-2020, 07:25 PM
There is a difference between the tips swelling and an actual bud that forms to flower

01-31-2020, 10:14 AM
Found a timelapse of a silver maple bud burst, so now I know what to watch for: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6csIxekNoKU

We have 3 very warm days coming this weekend, so I'll keep an eye on the GDD number and the actual buds. And like others have said, hopefully silvers continue to make edible syrup after budding.

Ed R
01-31-2020, 10:25 AM
Those are flowers, not buds that will become leaves. It has to be in the upper 60s and into the 70s with high night time temps before you will have a problem with buddy syrup (3-4 days of it at least). Your tap holes might not like the warmer temps though. I have made good tasting syrup when daffodils were in full bloom.

01-31-2020, 10:29 AM
oh geeze. still learning...