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View Full Version : should I change to 5/16

White Crow
01-18-2020, 07:45 AM
I am now running 7 3/16 lines to the sugar house with an average of 35 taps per line with about a 10 foot total drop and going to 1 surflo pump. The last tap about 200 feet from pump. I am going to add another line with around 40 taps, am I putting to much through the 3/16? The new line is mostly flat with some trees about 5 feet downhill. At a tubing school in Lewis County last fall it was stated the possible issue with older t's restricting flow, I plan to replace as many T,s on the 3 year and older lines as I can to help flow or should I be changing to 5/16?

01-18-2020, 08:10 AM
Since you have shurflo in the end I would stay with 3/16. 40 taps for a 3/16 line is too much. I would split that line in half. As for plugging fittings, it is more common in 3/16 but if you flush your lines at the end of the year the problems should be minimal.

01-18-2020, 08:28 AM
I've had some of my 3/16 lines 5 years now. I clean after every season and have only had one clog because I sucked bark while tapping. Otherwise problem free.

maple flats
01-18-2020, 09:29 AM
I also would not combine the 2, run them to a pump manifold on their own. Also, I suggest if you are going to add 40 more taps it should be split into 2 lines, 3/16.
The 3/16 lines on flat ground will yield less sap than a proper line system and a sap ladder, it will still yield a decent amount. The loss will be from line friction, but you will get more sap/$ invested than if you used 5/16 and a sap ladder on a 200' long mainline, especially using a ShurFlo.
I have likely 60-75% of my lines on 3/16 and pulling from below the mainline. However I use a mechanical vacuum (generating 26-27" vacuum) and a releaser. A ShurFlo will not do as well, but The vacuum pump and the releaser would add plenty to your cost. My vacuum pump is an antique, a BB4 piston pump, made by Babson Bros, before they became Surge.

buckeye gold
01-18-2020, 09:38 AM
I agree on the cleaning. Clean well and you'll have way less problems. I had one line I ran out of cleaning solution on year before last year about half way down the line. I thought I had put enough chlorine through it that it'd be ok. It was two years old and I had all kinds of plugs and bad spots in it last year. So i cut it down this fall and put all new for that run. All my other lines fine. So cleaning 3/16 well is a big deal I think. The most I run is 20-25 per lateral. On 3/16 you need to be sure your tap holes are clean as and shaving or dust will clog tees. I use a twig to clean each hole. As I walk to each tree I simply break one off the right size to wipe out the tap hole, use it once and toss. I change out tees and drops going into the 4th year. If I'm changing the drop it gets a new tee. Also. I use new taps every year. I don't have a lot of fall on some lines but I still get some natural vacuum, just cut a drop off and you'll hear it hiss. So, my advice is stay with 3/16th, clean well, install new tees and put less on your laterals.

White Crow
01-18-2020, 01:34 PM
thanks for all the great tips, my new lines will be 3/16 and 2 instead of one, I did try cleaning with water starting with the end tap for the first time last year but even after several tries water was still in a few spots in the line, thanks for the tip using the twig on each hole, years ago I blew in each hole to clean, but found out that was a bad practice so on occasion I had a blockage in the line from shavings, I also replace all taps every year

buckeye gold
01-18-2020, 03:42 PM
Flush your lines with a solution of calcium hypochloride, any pool supply has it. You can get 1 lb bags that make a bunch of solution. I even use it to clean my tanks. Mix it 1 part to 20 water

maple flats
01-19-2020, 10:21 AM
On my 3/16 I change the tap AND the Tee every year, the drop every 3. I use 5/16 taps and drops, into a 3/16 x 3/16 x 5/16 tee then the laterals are 3/16.

White Crow
01-20-2020, 07:38 AM
thanks, I was also thinking of changing all my t's this year and trying to decide if I should change my drops to 5/16, what do you think about changing my line after the last tap to 5/16, will I loose vacuum transfer to lower friction loss

maple flats
01-20-2020, 10:34 AM
5/16 will have an issue caused by the fact that air (gases) in the line can pass the sap. I would stick with 3/16 until you get to the manifold into the pump.

White Crow
01-20-2020, 11:10 AM
thanks to everyone for their advice, I will stick with the 3/16 and change to 5/16 drops