View Full Version : Being Screwed by a Screw Pump Company

01-08-2020, 08:44 AM
2017 - Researched and bought a screw pump to run a section of my woods. Before the purchase the communication with company was great. The pump was good for the first season. 2nd season, 2018, I noticed an oil leak. Called company and they said they would come and fix it. Nobody showed. Summer of 2018 I called many times to complain of the oil slick that was on my floor. They said yes, we will be there to fix. Nobody showed up or called. That fall I called many more times but got no response.

2019 season - used the pump but was very nervous about doing so. What if it blew up and seized the motor. Am I responsible? Finally talked to the slippery salesman to be told that the manufacturer needed to come in and make the simple repair. He gave me a date of December 5, 2019 when to expect the serviceman. The date passed, no one showed up and no one called. Now I tend to keep a cool head but this has me pissed. We are coming in to the 2020 season and I'm not confident that the pump is reliable. These types of pumps are big dollars. I've expanded over the past few years. I would have liked to use this company but cannot trust them. I have put my faith and wallet behind the company that has 3 letters to it's name.

Thanks for letting me vent. Still leaking!!!

01-08-2020, 09:09 AM
I wouldnt be shy about calling their name out here. You might be surprised that someone on this forum knows someone there personally and can try and get you answers.

Good luck, I hope it works out.

01-08-2020, 04:39 PM
I feel for you. I to did business with a company who has 3 letters for their name. Bought a high prussure vessel. After a couple of seasons it started to leak out thru the electric box which controlls the pump. I figure this can't be safe. No answer to emails, got a lady who answered a couple of weeks ago who promised a call back on the following Monday. 2 weeks later I called and got a answereing machine during business hours. Left message but no return call. What is it with companys with 3 letters for their name who don't supply customer service for their product. All I wanted to know is what was the best way for me to fix it. Will just have to tear it apart on my own and hope I don't get in over my head.

eagle lake sugar
01-08-2020, 07:09 PM
I had a similar leak in the middle of the season last year, I disconnected power and removed the cover and tightened a gland nut, problem solved. I'm several hours away from dealers, so I have to repair on the fly sometimes.

01-09-2020, 05:03 PM
The glan nut. Is that the big nut right behind the electric box. Tighted it a 1/4 to 1/2 turn. Have to wait till I run it to see if it corrects the problem.

01-09-2020, 06:14 PM
Is this MES or CDL or both?

01-09-2020, 07:58 PM
Pretty sure they are referring to cdl. Never heard anything bad about MES.

01-09-2020, 08:26 PM
Doubt its cdl we have in house techs, plus service guys in pa and ohio.

01-10-2020, 04:36 AM
I didn’t realize CDL had screw style pumps

01-10-2020, 06:52 AM
Let me clarify, Last year I put my faith and wallet behind CDL. They are top notch.

01-10-2020, 12:31 PM
I can get NO response fro MES. All I would like is a 1 min call or email to say do this, problem solved. I will figure it our just like I've figured out who and who not to do business with.