View Full Version : 2020 Missouri activity

01-01-2020, 06:39 PM
The fever is starting to build here in Missouri.... Got a text from someone around Jackson MO who tapped trees on 12/31 and today, NewYears day, and his trees are running. Looks like Missouri will have the first harvest of 2020 in the US. Everyone, try to keep in touch here on mapletrader's Missouri posting site. I'm watching the forecast and getting my concrete blocks put together for the arch. Our 4-wheeler will come out of the shop tomorrow, and depending on weather forecasts, I may be hauling sap by this time next week. And if you know a beginner who has a lot of questions, tell em to go to the website of the Missouri Maple Syrup Initiative, www.mosyrup.com . Thanks. UncleJohn

01-02-2020, 07:52 AM
Good luck to my neighbors to the south.We have 5-6 weeks yet before I normally get started but there are still many things to do.Marc

01-04-2020, 11:22 AM
Nice website, Uncle John. This is my second winter of not tapping since I moved to a property without sugar maples. I must say, I've been thinking about how hard it would be to decide when to tap this year--the weather has been so warm that I think I would wait to see if we get a better opportunity later in the winter. Hopefully we have a good frozen month of weather between January and February. But I'm out of the game now, so it's easy for me to make proclamations that I don't have to back up with my actions.

01-04-2020, 07:56 PM
Well, schedule allowed me to get out into the woods today. I managed to tap some trees, none of them were running. I am also unsure with the weather this season. I am thinking the see-saw temps will get things going this week.

01-06-2020, 09:25 AM
I tapped about 35 trees yesterday (Jan 5). They were running but not enthusiastically. Probably will run good today after low in the mid 20's, now a sunny morning with high to be upper 40s. Will tap more trees after this rain event supposedly coming later this week. John

01-10-2020, 08:54 AM
I am getting my stuff setup. I have not tapped any trees yet. There is a deep freeze coming up next week. There could be a few days this weekend and early next week before the freeze where sap could run. I am debating tapping now or after the freeze. Please anyone in Missouri who has tapped some trees post what you are seeing. It is raining today and the forecast calls for rain all weekend. Tapping would be uncomfortable in this rain. But I would hate to miss a good flow period.

01-10-2020, 06:29 PM
Wed eve I collected 10 gallons of sap from 45 taps. Have not been able to check since. I will be happy when the temps go back to normal. I plan on tapping more tomorrow.

01-10-2020, 10:43 PM
Hey Old Cabin and RiverSap, glad to see you guys back on MT. On Wed Jan 8 I collected 20 gallons from my 35 or so taps, and today finished it into 2 quarts of beautiful amber light. Looks like it will be another few days before I would want to tap the rest of my trees (assuming I can even get through the mud to them!) Hey Old Cabin, why don't you private message me on MT, I'd like to get your name and phone number or email for my list of MO syrup makers.

A friend James Brochtrup who makes syrup near Festus has started a facebook site called Missouri Maple Syrup. I visited James last week and he was still doing some cleaning/maintenance of his tubing and arch.

Also got a message through mosyrup.com from a fellow in southwestern Nebraska, who taps over a hundred boxelder trees!

Keep tapping! John

01-11-2020, 05:10 PM
I ended up not tapping today. It is suppose to get down to mid 20s tonight and then up to mid 30s tomorrow. If it indeed does get up to mid 30s and it is partly sunny I may tap a few test trees. I still think it is a little early. There is a pretty good freeze coming mid week. Next weekend looks better to me for tapping.

01-11-2020, 05:55 PM
Those of you who haven't tapped yet, don't feel like you are missing out. My trees produced nothing in the 15 buckets I checked since Wed 1/8 eve. It started to ice and sleet on me, so I tapped 5 more trees instead. *Update* 1/11-1/15 has produced a couple cups to most of a gallon on some trees. Will report my total haul for the week on Sat.

01-16-2020, 05:44 PM
I took a vacation day and tapped 17 trees. It never got above freezing. It feels good to get some trees tapped. I still have about 35 maple trees and 15 walnut trees to tap. That is a task for this weekend. I am plumb tuckered out and enjoying a beer now.

01-17-2020, 11:03 AM
We're going to get after it this weekend. I've been hesitant to tap-most nights have been above freezing, but now there's a good cold spell coming. I'm actually glad the weather hasn't been productive, because with all the work we've been putting into upgrades, we haven't had time to tap anyway, and that's with working many hours under a headlamp. Also, we had major flooding a week ago which makes our woods mostly inaccessible. We've put up 2000 feet of mainline with 2000 feet of new/replaced laterals. Just have a few more saddles to install and the RO to wire and then we'll be ready to roll.
All I can say is that I have one awesome wife. She's been by my side for nearly all of it. We were out until 11 last night installing laterals.

01-18-2020, 11:09 AM
I tapped 15 walnut trees this morning and every one was dripping sap. The temperature was 41 deg. Walnut bark is quite a bit thicker than sugar maple trees bark so at the end of last season I purchased some longer stainless steel taps I found online. I took a picture of the two style of taps and put it in my gallery in season 2020. The lip on the new taps flares out and makes it very difficult to get the down tubes over them. I cursed every one I put on. My fingers are worn out after putting on just 15 of them. Next year I am going to grind off the lips. Nothing is ever easy.

01-18-2020, 07:04 PM
I tapped 20 more sugar maple trees today. They were not running like the walnut trees are. I have a about 15 more to tap. Let the sap flow. I am ready to cook up some sap.

01-19-2020, 02:12 PM
I finished tapping today. 50 sugar maple and 15 walnut trees. Let the sap flow.

01-19-2020, 10:29 PM
I got 28 gallons when I collected Sat 1/18. 38 gallon for the year so far. Some ran heavy, some none at all. I plan on tapping a few more. Hopefully the season starts out well for all.

01-20-2020, 07:16 AM
we went to the woods and tapped 24 tress on friday 01/17 2020 collected 13 gallons on Saturday. ended up with 2 qts syrup. hopefully next week is better, will probably go out on wenesday and collect sap.

01-21-2020, 02:05 PM
I tapped 77 trees on Sunday 1/19; despite (or maybe because of) the wind, the trees were dripping nicely, then the sap froze and will remain frozen for several days. I hope to tap the remaining trees tomorrow and harvest a big batch. Also FYI, please visit the website of the Columbia Missourian for a nice article today about Missouri syrupmakers. John

01-27-2020, 01:18 PM
Greetings from Southeast Missouri!

I have six acres with scattered maples of up to 18 years of age on my property. Tried tapping for the first time February 2018. Got almost a gallon of syrup out of first 10, then a total of 15 taps. All of which was probably under done, due to the thermometers I used. Also tried my hand at Birch when the maple ran out and decided not to mess with that again. Tried Black Walnut and only got a gallon of sap, that I didn't even mess with.

Missed 2019, due to being out of town.

This year, I've got 17 taps up as of Saturday (started Friday in the rain) and have processed a whopping 7.5 gallons of sap for a yield of a little over a pint of syrup. <grin> Small time here. With lows around/below freezing and daytime highs in the low 40's, trees seem to be running fair. I'm getting 12 of the bags/hangers/spiles by the end of the week, so will up things a bit. Got another almost four gallons last night as it was getting dark and will go out to check and see how the day is progressing, probably pick up late this afternoon. Most of my collection is into gallon bottles, with two of my largest/twin maples on a 5-gallon bucket and two spiles going into each bucket.

Currently processing is in a turkey fryer, so low efficiency.

'Find' a decent pan, may turn my hand to boiling down over a wood fire.
Syrup hydrometer


01-27-2020, 01:25 PM
Welcome JayTee. Sounds like a great start.
I only got 10 gallons of sap from my 60ish taps 1/19 - 1/25 I was hoping for more. I was curious to see if last week's haul was down or up for the rest of the Missouri guys?

01-28-2020, 06:11 PM
We tapped 107 on Sunday and they ran well, about 100 gallons of sap collected so far. Time to set up the evaporator & RO. Good luck to everyone!

01-29-2020, 11:05 AM
Hi JayTee welcome to the board. I harvested 170 gallons on Monday 1/27, just finished 30 pints of beautiful golden syrup. There is another poster on this board, Goggleeye, also in SE MO, north of Jackson. I think he is happy to show visitors his operation if you wanted to see it. John

01-29-2020, 11:07 AM
Also JayTee, go to my website mosyrup.com I have photos of Missourians making syrup, and some use the stainless steel "steam table trays" mounted on concrete blocks, as a low cost way of boiling. John

01-29-2020, 05:10 PM
Good Evening unclejohn,

Thanks for the info. I'll have to see if I can hook-up with Goggleeye. He may well be who I've bought local syrup from!

I've actually visited your site, paged through photos and have been scouting for steam table trays on Craigslist, Salvation Army, Teen Challenge (local entitiy with a store like Salvation Army) the local Facebook 'For Sale' group and local metal scrap places. Have not exhausted all of them yet, but am looking.

So, is it appropriate to post questions in this group, or is there a better, 'Beginners' area of the forum?


01-29-2020, 09:28 PM
JayTee: feel free to ask questions here, or go to the MapleTrader.com forum page and find one of the forums that aligns with your question. I have asked questions and received numerous helpful responses there. Also you seek a stainless steel steam table tray; there are some used restaurant equipment supply houses in STL, (maybe one in Cape or Sikeston as well?). Some metal scrapyards have a stainless steel "department"; I have gone to these junkyards and asked to walk around and I found a nice big pan, maybe you can find something useful. Good luck!

01-30-2020, 07:40 AM
Well, my question aligns with the Missouri forum a bit, as it has to do with local sap flow the last couple of days, our upcoming weather and sap flow. I know ideal weather is lows in the 20's, highs in the 40's, with possibility of 1 gallon per tap per day. Over Tuesday and Wednesday, from 17 taps, I got 2.2 gallons. This is the local wx forecast for the next 10 days:


Not ideal for sap, though I'm sure it will cool off again. Winter isn't over yet! What do I do until wx gets ideal for sugaring? Leave my taps alone, re-drill and re-use them or drill new?

Thanks for the help. Also, in old forums, found a link for a reasonable price on Full Size Steam Table Trays (https://www.webstaurantstore.com/choice-full-size-standard-weight-anti-jam-stainless-steel-steam-table-hotel-pan-6-deep/4070069.html), will see what shipping is.



01-30-2020, 12:43 PM
Well, my question aligns with the Missouri forum a bit, as it has to do with local sap flow the last couple of days, our upcoming weather and sap flow. I know ideal weather is lows in the 20's, highs in the 40's, with possibility of 1 gallon per tap per day. Over Tuesday and Wednesday, from 17 taps, I got 2.2 gallons. This is the local wx forecast for the next 10 days:


Not ideal for sap, though I'm sure it will cool off again. Winter isn't over yet! What do I do until wx gets ideal for sugaring? Leave my taps alone, re-drill and re-use them or drill new?

Thanks for the help. Also, in old forums, found a link for a reasonable price on Full Size Steam Table Trays (https://www.webstaurantstore.com/choice-full-size-standard-weight-anti-jam-stainless-steel-steam-table-hotel-pan-6-deep/4070069.html), will see what shipping is.


Leave things alone and wait for the trees to give more sap. You may get a little sap - freeze it until you have enough to cook it down. Just make sure it doesn't sit in your containers for more than a day if the temps get mid 40's or above.
I'm surprised your trees only gave a total of 2.2 gallons for those two days. Most of my trees gave a gallon on Tuesday and a half on Wednesday.
Check out our website and give me a holler if you want to come out.

This last 5 days has been one of the better runs we've ever had.

01-30-2020, 12:50 PM
I haven't been posting much because we've been so busy. Only getting 4-5 hours of sleep each night, as I'm usually finishing the wash cycle on the RO about 1 am.

We've collected about 3000 gallons on the 585 taps since Saturday, some runs still producing almost a gallon per tree yesterday despite the lack of temp fluctuation. The new tubing system is really paying off. 1 collection point and not having to fight the mud for by 175 tap woodlot has been great. RO a real lifesaver. But still haven't had time to finish syrup. Finishing pan is full, all my ss milk pans are full, and the wife has filled every stock pot we own. I want it to slow down but yet I don't. In 5 days we are at a quarter of last years production. Hope to catch up this weekend.

02-01-2020, 08:09 AM
checked our taps on jan. 27 brought home 46 gallons off of 24 taps went back jan. 31 had 18 gallons and one baby squirrel drowned in the sap bag. been to warm in southeast missouri for a good run. walnut trees are not running at all.

buckeye gold
02-01-2020, 03:05 PM
You did ring the sap out of that squirrel before you tossed him, didn't you?

02-01-2020, 06:03 PM
Nope , it was a little squirrel Not very old

02-01-2020, 09:00 PM
skin him, get an aluminum foil pan, place in pan and set on stove pipe exit. Ladle in sap from the pan as you boil. In a few hours you have candied squerrel. As buckeye gold said. Ring that fur out. Sap is worth its weight in gold.

02-02-2020, 07:51 AM
Light and buttery, with a hint of squirrel..
This last week brought me 88 gallons on my 60ish taps. Much better than the week before. So far I'd say a great Jan despite the odd weather start.
Keep us posted on the walnut trees, I always wondered about those. I have just a few, and don't want to run a separate batch just for them.

02-02-2020, 08:11 AM
I haven't been posting much because we've been so busy. Only getting 4-5 hours of sleep each night, as I'm usually finishing the wash cycle on the RO about 1 am.

We've collected about 3000 gallons on the 585 taps since Saturday, some runs still producing almost a gallon per tree yesterday despite the lack of temp fluctuation. The new tubing system is really paying off. 1 collection point and not having to fight the mud for by 175 tap woodlot has been great. RO a real lifesaver. But still haven't had time to finish syrup. Finishing pan is full, all my ss milk pans are full, and the wife has filled every stock pot we own. I want it to slow down but yet I don't. In 5 days we are at a quarter of last years production. Hope to catch up this weekend.

Sounds like you need some local, semi-skilled, help that will work for syrup . . . I have JUST retired recently . . . <grin>


edited for clarity

02-02-2020, 09:26 AM

I finished a batch last night, and noticed it has good color, but it is cloudy. Uniform throughout the container, and all of the containers. I filtered with Smokey lake orlon filters and pre filters. In my several years of doing this I have not had this happen. Using same equipment, same filters. Any ideas?

02-02-2020, 10:43 AM
I'm also getting that, however, I'm just doing a single pass through (what is guess is?) an Orlon Filter. I'm not selling it, so just 'splaining to family that it's Maple Syrup sediment and won't hurt you. Is this niter/sugar sand?



buckeye gold
02-02-2020, 11:02 AM
Some years it shoots right through filters and is crystal clear others it's slow and cloudy. your not doing anything wrong.I just got in the habit of double filtering all of it and I get all clear. Sometimes the cloudy doesn't show up for a day and I hate bottling and discovering cloudy syrup. even at that it will settle and won't hurt anything. We are all self-conscious of losing syrup in the filters, especially early in our sugaring days. I have come to accept it as part of the game and something that needs done. I do rinse my second filters in the flew pan to save some sugar. It's a choice of what you want as a finished product.

02-04-2020, 08:23 AM
Well, the stupid trees were dripping well at 72 deg F yesterday. They're not supposed to do that! Fortunately we had collected most of the sap already. There is some that sat in sapsacks thru that warm weather; I tasted it and it tasted OK, and was not cloudy. Then the night got chilly, like 40 deg. So I think I might be able to salvage that sap when it is diluted in the next run.

So far we have made about 14 gallons of beautiful gold syrup. Good luck to all!

02-07-2020, 03:04 PM
So, my fellow Missouri Tappers, as a rank newbee, I've got a question about the 'End of the Season'. Most, if not all, of my trees are Silver Maples; probably like many of yours. This crazy weather has been all over the board, with some good temperatures finally coming back, at least for a few days. I'm also seeing buds popping open on my trees. I had read somewhere that you should pull taps when buds start popping, as hormones will give the syrup a funny flavor. I've read that you can sugar Silver Maples until they go 'dry'. Tasted some the sap and flavor seems fine.

When do I HAVE to quit? I can get a better picture with my DSLR; this was out of my phone, zoomed in. Humph! This picture does not show sideways on my computer; sure does when I upload it!



02-07-2020, 04:01 PM
Soooo, knowing I had more time that some might and to aid in answering my question, here's more pictures. Maybe 1/3, or less, of my trees have buds popping:


The rest are still tight:

Trees are making great sap; my 'favorites' already have 1/2 a gallon.

Thanks for looking.


02-07-2020, 08:07 PM
It’s all up to you. Keep collecting until the trees quit giving or you don’t like the flavor.

02-08-2020, 08:34 AM
Love the photos! The first photo in your last post is of the flowers or seed buds. Not to worry about those. The second photo is of leaf buds. When those pop, you will notice an off flavor. The leaf buds are usually two to three weeks behind the flowers, depending on the weather.

02-08-2020, 09:37 AM
If you're worried about the quality of this next batch of syrup, bring a small pot of sap into the kitchen and boil it down, see how it tastes. That might avoid a whole lotta work. (Some folks still take budding syrup, and even though it has an off taste, use if for sweetening when baking, cooking, etc, rather than as a pancake syrup)

02-08-2020, 11:07 AM
We last harvested on Sunday 2/2 when it was 65 degrees here in midMo. Some sap ran into our bags/buckets after harvest, and sat there on the 74 degree Monday; as we didn't have time to harvest again while managing the boil. Then the temps got down to 40 degrees or so that night, and below freezing for several nights. I was concerned that some of that sap had spoiled, especially the sap sacks exposed to direct sunlight on that warm day. So yesterday I broke ice chunks in about 10 bags/buckets and collected a few gallons of sap. Brought it home and boiled it down in the kitchen, and nothing was cloudy, the syrup tastes fine, has good color. So I don't have to dump the bags/buckets. And the trees should be running today; sunny with snow on the ground, temps heading from 25 degrees up to 35!

02-08-2020, 11:27 AM
It’s all up to you. Keep collecting until the trees quit giving or you don’t like the flavor.

Thanks Goggleeye. I think between that thought and that of unclejohn below, I have some good guidance. REALLY want to get more than 2-/12 pints of syrup this year, especially as my mom and my grown children want some! And it SOOOO good. <grin>

Love the photos! The first photo in your last post is of the flowers or seed buds. Not to worry about those. The second photo is of leaf buds. When those pop, you will notice an off flavor. The leaf buds are usually two to three weeks behind the flowers, depending on the weather.

Thanks! I used my Nikon D3500, 70-300mm Zoom Lens - 1/640 Sec, f6.3, 300mm for the flowers/seed buds; 1/2000 Sec, f6, 260mm for the leaf buds. If you're interested in that kind of thing! Sounds like I could have another 2-3 weeks of sugaring? Maybe even enough to get tired of boiling down on my propane burner. <grin>

If you're worried about the quality of this next batch of syrup, bring a small pot of sap into the kitchen and boil it down, see how it tastes. That might avoid a whole lotta work. (Some folks still take budding syrup, and even though it has an off taste, use if for sweetening when baking, cooking, etc, rather than as a pancake syrup)

I'll try that tomorrow, from one of the trees that really has flower buds popping. Drinking that sap from one of those still tasted pretty good.

Thanks to all for the assistance. I'm getting more knowledge about my new hobby all the time. Already have a trip planned for mid-end January 2021 . . . that might interfere with sugaring next season! Have to be sure I have everything clean and ready before I leave on my trip.


02-09-2020, 07:02 PM
Hello all, after the big haul I had end of Jan, the first week of Feb was lighter, but was still able to male about 2/3 a gallon of great color syrup.

To go over the cloudy syrup a bit, some of the folks that do not produce a lot, like me, may run in to this. I collect when I can, and mainly boil in my evaporator on the weekends. I refrigerate as best I can, I hope for cooperative weather, and I boil weekly. I fliter several times throughout the process. I usually toss off color sap. Maybe I am wrong for that :)
Point is, I usually batch boil down on the wood fired evaporator as best I can, then it gets refrigerated for kitchen finishing and additional filtering later in the week.
I got the cloudy finished syrup the one week I finished in the kitchen right after the evaporator. I may have helped squish syrup through the filter a bit too.
I have found that by letting the sap settle a day or so before I do a final kitchen stove finish, I end up with sediment at the bottom, and can usually keep most of that from getting in the final step.
I made sure to let it settle this week, and I did double filter this and the last batch again. I got great results. I let the filter gravity drain and did not squish it through. I have found that letting my honey settle before bottling gets the sediment out too.
Passing info along if it helps.

02-10-2020, 08:52 PM
Checked 24 taps today and got 65 gallons and no squirrels this time

02-13-2020, 09:32 AM
Processed 250 gallons of sap into 6.5 gallons of beautiful dark syrup. Had so much sap that our kitchen couldn't handle it, so we are storing about 85 gallons of sap outside through this deep freeze, then will boil it along with our upcoming final harvest after the weekend thaw. Good luck to all! John

220 maple
02-15-2020, 11:19 PM
I've been following along when ever I get a chance, appears your having a great season, I'm off to a great start myself and don't have all the trees open yet, only 230 behind the camp on the mountain where you and your wife visited last summer, hope to get another 200 plus added tomorrow, I have 1700 plus open on land I lease, when I get a chance I will seen you some videos, Happy Sugaring

Mark 220 Maple

02-16-2020, 11:30 AM
Mark thanks for the message. Still collecting names to build the Missouri network of syrupmakers. I hope your sap flows well for you in West Virginia! John

02-20-2020, 07:20 PM
Processed the leftover 85 gallons from previous harvest, along with new collection on 2/16 and 2/18, and made 6 gallons of beautiful dark gold syrup, almost crimson in color. I removed all taps from our trees, as we are out of firewood, the mud is worse than ever, and 28 gallons this season is enough! Good luck to all. John

03-02-2020, 09:38 PM
I've made about 2 gallons of lovely Maple Syrup this season and about 4oz of Black Walnut Syrup. Sure beats the two pints I made my first and only other season in 2018! My technique got better as the season progressed and I actually got much better at filtering, using an Orlon filter and paper coffee filters.

Last three and a half 8oz jars from this week-end an 4oz of Black Walnut. The BW is VERY sweet and has a very unique flavor from tastes. Look forward to trying it on pancakes or waffels; unlike the Birch Syrup I made in 2018 which is NOT table syrup!

As of today, I'm tapped out, er, uh, well, that is, my taps are out. The first set were starting to come up dry as well as some of the second sets of that were the Sap Sacks. First set was plastic taps, short tubing and gallon jugs; second set was the Sap Sacks. I was also starting to get spots of mold growing in the bottom of my jugs and seeing a little fuzzy mold on the ends of some of the tubes. The sap sacks were collecting moths and flies. With the weather in Southeast Missouri warming up, figured it was time.

Processed my last several gallons today and added in a couple of quarts of Black Walnut Sap, just because I had it and had already processed my 2-gallons of BW over the weekend.

I'm getting my new barrel stove dialed in and have some good suggestions from elsewhere in the forum for getting it to burn hotter.

Here's to hoping a two-week vacation in January does not interfere TOO much with next syrup season!

Cheers all and best of luck sugaring for those that still have taps in.


03-03-2020, 09:32 AM
we also pulled taps, we tried walnut this year didnt get enough sap to mess with so far we have 4 gallons of maple syrup. finishing up today. see everybody next year, hope everyone have a safe and healthy 2020.

03-03-2020, 11:58 PM
Finished the season with 177 gallons of syrup. Just over a quart a per tree for our 600 taps. Not bad at all considering the weather. The RO was a real lifesaver, and the mainline made collection so much faster and easier. Best purchases we ever made for our syrup production. Now time to gear up for farmer’s markets.

01-13-2021, 08:48 PM
The fever is starting to build here in Missouri.... Got a text from someone around Jackson MO who tapped trees on 12/31 and today, NewYears day, and his trees are running. Looks like Missouri will have the first harvest of 2020 in the US. Everyone, try to keep in touch here on mapletrader's Missouri posting site. I'm watching the forecast and getting my concrete blocks put together for the arch. Our 4-wheeler will come out of the shop tomorrow, and depending on weather forecasts, I may be hauling sap by this time next week. And if you know a beginner who has a lot of questions, tell em to go to the website of the Missouri Maple Syrup Initiative, www.mosyrup.com . Thanks. UncleJohn

Also near Jackson, MO. Tapped one smallish tree yesterday morning and had sap running. Tapped another 20 or so yesterday afternoon. Got five gallons this afternoon. Have a total of 35 trees tapped. Started boiling down this afternoon. Will probably continue tomorrow.


01-15-2021, 06:40 PM
Collected 175 gal sap on Wed 1/13 while weather was beautiful; sapsacks were huge bloated with sap. First try with my new evaporator arch made from an old oval oil tank. Much more efficient than setting the pan on concrete blocks. Finished the batch today, bottled 3.5 gallons (should have bottled 4 gallons but had an overboil on the stove, and we slightly overcooked it, I calculate that cost us a quart. So the ratio was 43.75:1 Beautiful gold color, had lots of sand so we used countless conical pelon filters inside the wool cone. FYI, Vieth Valley Farms near Marthasville MO (north side of MO river east of Hermann) is having an open house tomorrow 10-2. They make and sell syrup, have over 100 taps on tubing, sugar shack, and I think they have RO. They're on the internet if you want to get directions. John

01-20-2021, 06:03 AM
Put in 472 taps last weekend in Ste Genevieve County. Expanded our shack this year also so lots more room. Made some improvements to our collection system and got the RO put back together, so we’re gonna start cooking tomorrow 👍. Checked buckets yesterday, looked good. Good luck this year to all you Missouri tappers!

01-25-2021, 03:35 PM
Only collected 371 gallons last weekend on 472 taps so pretty sorry run! Not looking real good this week either😕. How’s everyone else doing?

01-25-2021, 10:29 PM
How about we all go back to the 2021 thread so the info gets archived on the correct year?!