View Full Version : Selling syrup.
Brad W Wi
11-26-2007, 03:22 PM
My wife was at a craft show this past weekend selling . One of the items was some of our left over syrup from the spring. It didn't sell as we had hoped. One suggestion was to put out samples. It sounds easy enough and a good idea. The problem is how do you go about it? Do you put out little cups of it? Cold pancakes to dip in it? I really don't know but as usual I know someone out there will have a solution. Also do many of you use Christmas type bottles or a fancy type so it can be bought as gifts?
When I do put out samples which is very rare, I use the small Ketchup containers like you see in the fast food joints. I have a hand push pump that fits on a gallon jug. Most food equipment supply houses sells these hand pumps. As a suggestion, you fill the containers and set them out. Otherwise some people will camp there and drink the sticky stuff. Another suggestion, if you see someone taking a lot of the containers and drinking them, say nothing, when the samples are gone, dont put any more up till they are out of sight.
super sappy
11-26-2007, 06:56 PM
I seemed to have good luck with a disposable plastic spoon. You will see people walking around with them in their mouth. I have also found that it sells better when people are tasting it . You can do a sample of Dark and one of light. I did that one day on a picnic table during a sheep and fiber tour and made $200.00 in a couple of hours. I think that the little paper cups are sort of aquward and everyone is comfortable with a spoon. Last year at the holiday time my wife dressed up some plastic bottles with a gift tag that she made and a plaid holiday bow- SOLD OUT 1 day at a craft fair. not alot but a couple of gallons in small containers. I believe that there was something mentioned in the maple sugar book about both ideas.- Super Sappy
11-26-2007, 07:44 PM
some times it is a hard sell. i can sell honey about 10 to 1 againist syrup, at flea markets and craft shows. glass sells better on the road, at home mostly in plastic. it doesnt hurt to have a bottle open and have small cups or throw away spoons on hand
11-26-2007, 07:44 PM
Giving samples can increase your sales, but check out the law on such things in your area.
White Barn Farm
11-26-2007, 08:16 PM
During sap season I have the little plastic communion cups that our church uses for samples. For cream I have a package of crackers and plastic knives to spread with. I think it makes quite a difference if customers can taste the product
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