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View Full Version : Not everyone needs a sugar shack

12-17-2019, 06:30 PM
Some pics from last season. All my boiling is done in a residential neighborhood, in my driveway, by myself. Goes to show that you don't need a farm or sugar shack to make syrup, all you need is imagination.

maple flats
12-17-2019, 07:46 PM
Yes, it can certainly be done, but a sugarhouse helps a lot. In many neighborhoods and jurisdictions a sugar house could not be built because of local laws.

12-18-2019, 06:01 AM
You have a very nice evaporator! you probably get a lot of slow traffic going by the house gawking!
Keep Boiling! Do you have plans for a sugarhouse?

12-18-2019, 07:26 AM
Why bother with the hood when you're boiling outside?

maple flats
12-18-2019, 08:07 AM
I used a hood the year I boiled outside too. I felt it kept moths and other things from getting into the syrup.

12-18-2019, 10:20 AM
Thanks Flats, I just wasn't sure if there was some other benefit I was missing.

12-18-2019, 12:40 PM
Some pics from last season. All my boiling is done in a residential neighborhood, in my driveway, by myself. Goes to show that you don't need a farm or sugar shack to make syrup, all you need is imagination.That is a really nice rig. I would hate to see it get rained on if it were me!

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12-18-2019, 02:20 PM
That looks like an air injection unit in your pans. Is that a home made unit?

12-18-2019, 06:05 PM
looks cool, not too far off my Shack Whacky setup

Bucket Head
12-18-2019, 06:33 PM
My father and I were outside for years! Ours had a hood too and then I built a preheater for it. Even without the heater, the hood keeps the wind off your sap. What happens when you blow on a hot spoonful of soup? Yes- it cools off. The hood helps maintain the boil. And we had make shift "guards" (stainless and aluminum pieces of sheet) that we clamped on and around the front pan -depending on which way the wind was blowing.

Nice set up you have there! And no mud!! LOL.


12-28-2019, 07:20 AM
Nice set up you have Jim. I used to boil outside with my hobby rigs but found even a temporary shack set up for the season helped for morale more than anything. Boiling on windy or rainy days got old quick so a roof and a few walls kept us comfortable and wanting to keep boiling.