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View Full Version : Ash on Bottoms of Flues

12-16-2019, 08:45 PM
I had to do some work on my base stack and had the chance to look in at the back of the flue pan before cleaning it out. Ash is piling up at the bottoms of the flues because of the air dam I put in. I put in the dam b/c I had read that it's good to give the hot gases a little push up to the bottom of the pan before heading up the stack. That may be happening, but it's also leaving ash behind that covers the bottoms of the flues and insulating them from the heat it seems.

How do other people configure the bricks from the back of their flues to the stack? I do like to tinker, but I also like to understand conventional wisdom.


bill m
12-17-2019, 07:11 AM
Without seeing what your arch looks like, drop or raised flue, I can't suggest how it should be bricked. On a wood fired evaporator the flues should be brushed every day to keep ash and soot from accumulating.

12-17-2019, 01:38 PM
Well from your description and your picture it looks about normal to me. Clean the flues several times a season and your good to go. You can always take out the baffle that you installed run it and see if there is any change.
Currently I have nothing between the back of the flues and the stack opening.
