View Full Version : Sugaring Journals / log books

12-11-2019, 11:06 AM
What is everyone using to log their tree/sap/ syrup production? Leader sells The Sugar House Journal but does not show what the entry pages look like.
I'm not into spreadsheets, prefer a book/journal.

Thanks !

maple flats
12-12-2019, 12:37 PM
For every season since I began in 2003, I have used a record book (composition type). Each year I start a new page. In the early years I onlyt recorded sap amounts and syrup made. As the years progressed I've recorded more info. When I had 2 and 3 locations I was tapping, I kept a record of the sap hauled and the sugar % for each. I also set up the main page for each year recording sap quantities, syrup made, syrup grade, barrel number it is packed in and the % of light transmission as measured by a Hanna Checker. Each batch bottled is identified by a barrel or batch it came from , the date, and every container gets a serial numbered label with the name and address of the sugarhouse as well as the website info.

RC Maple
12-14-2019, 09:35 PM
I have a separate sheet made for each season. It is made on a spreadsheet but I print it off and record on it each day. I record on it the high and low temps each day from when I tap to when I pull the taps. I record how much sap I gathered each day and what the sugar content was. The next column is for how much syrup I made - every time I jug syrup I write how much I ended up with in this column. The next column is a running total of how much syrup for the season. Lastly, there is a column for anything noteworthy for a given day. At the end of the season in the room left on the sheet I total up the sap I gathered and the syrup made and then calculate what the sugar content really was and how many gallons of sap it took for that season to make a gallon of syrup. I can go back and see that two years ago I had to boil about 47 gallons of sap per gallon and last year it was only 39. I keep these in a 3 ring binder in the sugar house. Once I am done with writing on it I put the sheets in sheet protectors.

buckeye gold
12-15-2019, 06:45 AM
I keep a excel spreadsheet with data similar to RC Maple. I also keep expenses and sales on mine and a auto calculating profit loss column. I have sheets for 10 years of production and can compare all with a simple mouse click

12-15-2019, 06:11 PM
Thanks guys. Good ideas for the columns. Now just a question of note book or printout spreadsheets.

12-15-2019, 06:14 PM
I like that, printing off and writing in. Thanks.