View Full Version : On X Hunt & my sugarbush
VanderBie Farms
11-30-2019, 12:23 PM
Hey all, I thought I would share what I feel is a very cost effective means of mapping your sugarbush. The program is called OnX and it is available on mobile and web based applications, for a $30 annual subscription. The app also show landowner information that seems to be reasonably up to date.
Today I mapped out all my tapable sugar and black maples. There are many more but because the border neighbors I need to secure permission before drilling any holes. The woodlot behind me has 50+ tapable sugar maples on it and I hope to secure permission next year.
The first image is just the trees, the second is me proposed plan, lines drawn using ms paint.
buckeye gold
11-30-2019, 07:27 PM
I've used on x hunt for about a year now. My buddy is a timber cutter and he loves it for property lines. We have used it on the family farm for line maintenance and timber planning. I have it for my out of state hunts. It's a pretty good tool. If you map a site you know has no cell service from an area with service it syill works even in deep hollers
12-01-2019, 07:13 AM
Onx Hunt is a great app. I still prefer my garmin for mapping stuff (a little more accurate) but I’m sure the app works good and definitely a more cost effective option if you don’t own the gps and software already. It’s awesome for providing the landowners’ info and the property lines are pretty accurate but be aware they are not gospel. The property lines for our house/property are off about 300’.
buckeye gold
12-01-2019, 07:30 AM
Your right Maine you should not blindly trust it. I have found it to be pretty good, but not perfect. Especially just for mapping and GPS use. I think what you find is that the app is only as good as the data they input. If you do much with property lines you'll find there are a lot of bad surveys and deeds out there, if that is what onx downloads into their app then that's what you see. I think if you use some common sense and do your homework you'll be fine with it. If your on unfamiliar land and you come to a fence with a posted sign, but the app says the line is another 300 feet....don't cross that fence, because the law will not give you a break because you had an app that said you could. It's not a legal document.
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