View Full Version : Dc pump ???

cat tech
11-26-2019, 07:41 PM
I want to make up a smaller ro unit for this upcoming syrup season. My game plan is to use 3- 400gpd membranes for my system. Question ?I have very limited 120 vac but have access to lots of large dc batteries ( 4d - 8d ) , has anyone out there ever built a ro system that runs off a battery powered booster pump?????

Thanks for any advice given

maple flats
11-26-2019, 07:52 PM
A 12V DC diaphragm pump might work. You will need enough battery and the right pump. First determin what pressure you need to run at, then build it to fit.
Another way might be to run a generator and a AC pump, if you study that route make sure the genny can handle the start surge.

cat tech
11-26-2019, 09:46 PM
I see there are 12 diaphragm pumps that are rated for 150 psi ? Is that enough pressure to run a ro unit ??? And next big question Is just as important, how much flow would a pump have to be rated for to run 3 - 400 gpd membranes

11-27-2019, 06:06 AM
The booster pumps most people use on these style of RO’s, like the 8800, are 24v dc anyways. Just connect 2 12v batteries in series and your good to go. The first RO I built was this style and I initially ordered the wrong power supply so this is what I did until I got the correct one.

cat tech
11-27-2019, 05:05 PM
A friend of mine sent me a pic of his booster pump and it showed on the data plate that yes the pump voltage is 24 volt , but it was showing it was 24 volt ac not dc ???

11-28-2019, 01:56 PM
Both AC and DC are available.....
