View Full Version : Another new guy.

03-18-2004, 08:17 PM
First let me say what a great site you have here!!! This is my first go around with making syrup and it is somthing i will do for the rest of my life. I live in Orange county NY which is approx 70 miles form NYC. I borrowed 11 buckets and spiles from my uncle and tapped 5 trees around my house, i built a firebox out of cinder blocks and laid fire bricks on the bottom, i made the box just big enough to fit the pan i had made which is 24 X 36 with 8" sides. The first boil did not go so well, i didnt have my pan yet and i had sap on ice for 3 days. I didnt want to risk having the sap go bad so i used a lobster pot. I boiled down approx 35 gallons when the next thing i knew it was like TAR. everything was a lose, my wife still dose not know i had to throw away the pot. The second boil went 100 times better, i boiled down just about 40 gallons and ended up with 6 pints of syrup after filtering and bottling. From start to finish it took 12 hrs. I finished it on the stove in the house. I just had a couple of quick questions for you guys, i only filled my pan about 2 1/2 inches but on the one end and the one side it is burnt approx 2" up how could that be avoided, i didnt burn the bottom of the pan, just the sides? Will that effect the tast of my next batch? And the last thing is i have read about raised flues and drop flu evaporators.......what is the difference? Thanks for all of your time. Jay

03-18-2004, 09:03 PM
Oh mercy me, another one bit by the bug. It's the begining of the end for you now. :wink:

Welcome and have fun, we do!

03-19-2004, 07:53 AM
If it is just on the sides, a brillo pad or steel wool should scrub it right off and that will make the syrup a lot lighter and better quality next time.

03-19-2004, 08:18 AM
First off...Welcome...You are doomed like the rest of us...Accept it and flow with it...

2ndly...you will read this, memorize, and assimilate it...There will be a test...


As for raised and drop flue that is exactly it...'Drop' flues actually drop from the pan down into the arch and fire...Raised flues actually come up into the pan and allow the fire to be inside the pan itself...Each have their champions...I personally like drop flue and run all my pans at the same level...no floats or valves for me, no sir...

But that is just cuz I am the way I am...others have different ideas and that is a good thing...

03-19-2004, 03:16 PM
Powerdub,WVMapler and Salmoneye. Thank you much!!!!