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View Full Version : Can flavor be lost with time

07-21-2019, 09:21 AM
I can my syrup in 2 qt. jars after making sure the brix is spot on and its filtered. Then I will bottle it as need be at later dates. Worked fine in the past. This year I made a lot of light syrup. Canned it in the usual way, even made a note on my record of volume that the date had a good taste. Opened one yesterday and tasted it. It was sweet but that was all. No maple or butterscotch, which I have had before, not bad tastes. Had my wife taste it and she agreed and she is always a taste critic. Could have been corn syrup. I can't sell it . Any ideas?

Thompson's Tree Farm
07-21-2019, 11:13 AM
I find the light delicate flavors of golden syrup disappear in a couple of months if stored in glass or plastic, less so if stored in stainless. Better yet is to keep the stainless barrels in a cooler.

07-21-2019, 05:47 PM
taste never goes away , it might change for the darker. sounds like it was delicate and still is just different. have someone thats made syrup for a long time try it.

maple flats
07-21-2019, 06:26 PM
Did you make any amber or better yet dark? If yes, blend them, whichever you blend it with will then be your blended grade. It takes very little of a darker syrup to darken any lighter syrup. It will then taste good as long as the darker one you blended it with taste good.

07-22-2019, 08:02 AM
Thinking of taking it up to 240 degrees and then adding water to proper density like if it had a metabolic flavor. According to that report doing so darkens the syrup and can enhance the flavor. This light syrup is 1/3 of my crop. It's the color of P.

07-31-2019, 10:16 AM
Thanks for the replies guys. I did treat it as metabolic to enhance the flavor and darken it. It worked great although it isn't fun watching the pot slowly rise to 240 degrees. It turned a nice amber with great flavor. This is what my customers want. I couldn't sell a golden delicate here.

maple flats
07-31-2019, 06:37 PM
I sell very little Golden also, My sales lean heavily to dark, but a few ask for Amber. I offer a small sample ogf Golden, Amber and Dark, I have no very dark. I'd guess my sales are about 80+% Dark, maybe 15-17% Amber, the rest (1-3%) Golden as far as regular syrup go. Then my big one is my bourbon barrel aged maple syrup. In 2018 dollar wise over 50% of my sales was in BB aged syrup. In 2017 it was only 24% of dollar sales. For 2019 I don't yet see a huge swing, my guess at this time is the BB syrup will be at about 50-55%, possibly 60% of sales.