View Full Version : Maybe it isnt a dream after all.....

07-15-2019, 01:57 PM
My neighbor is doing a bunch of flat work and gave be some warning that the truck will have room for an extra 3 yards of concrete. I put in a gravel base 3 months ago and levelled and formed it this past weekend. Other than the bottom plate, do I need to use treated wood for anything? With all the moisture in a Sugar shack how do you keep the wood from rotting, or just having damp wood for 4-5 weeks isn't an issue? Thanks


07-15-2019, 02:40 PM
as long as you have some ventilation in your shack, you don't need to worry about the moisture. Wood dries out quickly. if you're going to have it insulated and tight... and not have a hood, you may need to think about moisture resistant material!

07-15-2019, 04:01 PM
You don't need to worry about the wood too much, but probably should move the dog before you pour the cement. :D

07-17-2019, 09:23 AM
You don't need to worry about the wood too much, but probably should move the dog before you pour the cement. :D

He's 14 and doesn't move too much, He may just have to go in the area that's boxed out in the center.

07-17-2019, 11:57 AM
He's 14 and doesn't move too much, He may just have to go in the area that's boxed out in the center.

:lol: I beginning to be able to relate to that.

Sunday Rock Maple
07-17-2019, 09:08 PM
How does that saying go? Something about old profs teaching high brix.........

07-18-2019, 07:23 AM
How does that saying go? Something about old profs teaching high brix.........

How about "people living in sugarhouses shouldn't throw brix"

Sunday Rock Maple
07-19-2019, 08:37 PM
How about "people living in sugarhouses shouldn't throw brix"

Ha Ha --- well played!

09-03-2019, 02:17 PM

Taking shape.

09-03-2019, 04:53 PM
How about "people living in sugarhouses shouldn't throw brix"

Har har...let's just swig that dowm with some cannabis infused syrup while we're at it ;-)

09-05-2019, 10:21 AM
Opinions please. Copula over evaporator or full length Copula entire length of ridge? Shack is 12 X 16.

09-05-2019, 10:27 AM
Mine is right over the evaporator and about 6' in length +/- an inch or two. It works well to carry everything up and out.
I think if you go too long; you may create a down draft and defeat the whole purpose.
Your going to really like boiling inside.

maple flats
09-05-2019, 04:34 PM
I agree, over the evaporator and about the same square foot opening as the sq. ft of the evaporator, up to maybe 50% more.

09-12-2019, 07:52 AM
Didn't get much accomplished this past weekend as even the little things take so much time and all the minutes turn to hours pretty quickly. Squared frame up and anchored, furred out windows and installed them. Next on the docket is bricking Arch area.

09-12-2019, 07:56 AM
I hate when pictures are sideways.

maple flats
09-12-2019, 07:59 AM
What are your plans where you have no concrete? If that is for your evaporator, it should have a good foundation, otherwise it will not stay level as the frost comes out of the ground. Read up on this before you proceed. Or is that where the dog was?

09-12-2019, 10:25 AM
That's where my firebox goes Dave after I brick that area.

maple flats
09-12-2019, 03:47 PM
OK, that explains it. Thanks for the clarification.

09-23-2019, 10:31 AM
More memories made this weekend!!2027320274202752027620277

10-01-2019, 07:26 PM
Looks good Trapper2. Getting the young ones involved makes it special!

Looking at your pics...might be way too late now, but I am surprised you didn't double up the top plate. I know it's only a small shack and nobody is living in it, but that single 2x top plate laid flat with your rafters placed off center of the wall studs would make me nervous, especially with the heavy snow loads I'm sure you get in Wisconsin.

maple flats
10-02-2019, 09:37 AM
Looks good Trapper2. Getting the young ones involved makes it special!

Looking at your pics...might be way too late now, but I am surprised you didn't double up the top plate.
There may be a reasonable fix. You may have scraps (cut offs from construction) laying around. I might suggest you put 2x4's or 2x6's on edge directly under each span that does not have a stud directly under the rafter. Even if you need to cut some to get enough, it will help support the weight. It still won't be as good as a double plate because it depends on shear strength of the fasteners, but it still will be an improvement.

10-04-2019, 01:57 PM
Ha, You guys don't miss a thing. My buddy the carpenter already told me the same thing regarding blocks under them, which I will be putting in tomorrow. Told me I should stick to Trapping as a line of work and leave carpentry up to smarter people than I.. All the while he was asking me for a quart of syrup. I said, Who's the dummy now.

maple flats
10-04-2019, 03:55 PM
He shouldn't put you down, just coach you how to remedy. Carpentry Is rather easy, but it's not something one can go into without any references on how to do it.
That is very fixable.

10-04-2019, 07:55 PM
Trapper2 you've done a fine job especially including your son with the building. He will remember that always. By the way your building it it looks like you will be able to put up some sheets toward the front for overhead storage. That's what I did with my 12x16 sugar shack. Works great for storing the buckets during the off season and the grand kids like to help put them away and get the down.

10-08-2019, 02:43 PM
Trapper2 you've done a fine job especially including your son with the building. He will remember that always. By the way your building it it looks like you will be able to put up some sheets toward the front for overhead storage. That's what I did with my 12x16 sugar shack. Works great for storing the buckets during the off season and the grand kids like to help put them away and get the down.

Actually my Son and Grandson. I'm usually the one taking pictures. This weekends accomplishments plus we found some time to take my Grandson on the Youth hunt. Yes I will be storing buckets above.2028720288202892029020291

10-08-2019, 02:51 PM
Lets try this again.20293

10-22-2019, 08:40 AM

Almost closed in. Steam hood is next up on things to do.

10-23-2019, 12:02 AM
Congrats to your grandson on the fine shot. Was that his first deer?

10-23-2019, 07:56 AM
Congrats to your grandson on the fine shot. Was that his first deer?
Thank you, He is a deadeye, 3 for 3 on heart shots.
No, He shot his first deer last year on my property in Wisconsin during the youth hunt, then he shot another during Michigans regular season so this was his 3rd.

10-23-2019, 09:30 PM
that is just awesome. I believe it to be wonderful to pass on hunter / gatherer traditions, which you obviously have done. This is what we need more of our younger generations to see, feel, taste, and experience.

10-29-2019, 07:37 AM
Closed in other than the Copula.

maple flats
10-29-2019, 08:30 AM
Good job, you beat the snow!
Congratulations to your grandson. I was with my grandson when he shot his first 2 deer (he had the tags). He said he saw a deer at the corner of a field, I asked if he could get a good shot and he said yes, so I said "shoot it". We waited about 10 minutes after the shot, then went in that direction. He had not seen it fall, so when we got to about 1/2 way there (it was about a 180 yd shot) I took one path and he took another. He then whispered to me that the deer was still standing so I said "shoot it again". When we got to the deer he had 2 down, both perfect shots. The next fall he shot a huge bodied deer, only 7 points, but a huge body. We had it cut up by a guy who does about 350-400 each year, he said it was the biggest body he cut up that year. That grandson is now in the Navy, completed Seal training and now he is training for EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal). Not what I would have had him do!

01-11-2020, 08:57 PM
Good job, you beat the snow!
Congratulations to your grandson. I was with my grandson when he shot his first 2 deer (he had the tags). He said he saw a deer at the corner of a field, I asked if he could get a good shot and he said yes, so I said "shoot it". We waited about 10 minutes after the shot, then went in that direction. He had not seen it fall, so when we got to about 1/2 way there (it was about a 180 yd shot) I took one path and he took another. He then whispered to me that the deer was still standing so I said "shoot it again". When we got to the deer he had 2 down, both perfect shots. The next fall he shot a huge bodied deer, only 7 points, but a huge body. We had it cut up by a guy who does about 350-400 each year, he said it was the biggest body he cut up that year. That grandson is now in the Navy, completed Seal training and now he is training for EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal). Not what I would have had him do!

Congratulations Dave. You should be a proud Grandpa all the way around.

03-10-2020, 08:36 AM
I couldn't be happier with the new Sugarhouse. At 64 years old this was the first time I eve boiled inside. 7 3/4 gallons on the first boil.

03-10-2020, 09:43 AM
Congratulations! Looks wonderful

03-10-2020, 09:20 PM
Excellent job. Well done.

Bucket Head
03-11-2020, 09:43 PM
Nice! Pretty nice being dry and out of the wind, right?
My father and I boiled outside for twenty years before we finally got "inside".
There's no going back! I'll never make another drop of syrup outside again!!
Enjoy the new sugarhouse.
