View Full Version : Three Ingredient Maple Desserts--What're yours?

05-29-2019, 02:07 PM
So, I've been trying out a LOT of combinations of things, and using three, and only three ingredients, have come up with my all time favorite dessert using our Maple Syrup.
Here's the ingredients: One Apple. A handful of crushed walnuts. Maple syrup.
Instructions (ha!): Dice the apple, put it in a bowl.
Big handful of crushed walnuts on top of that in the bowl.
Pour on Maple Syrup, enough to coat the diced apple and walnuts.
Eat up, its good!
TIP: Somehow cold apples, cold walnuts, and real cold maple syrup work the best. And, you'll think you might need a half cup of Maple syrup, but really much less will thoroughly coat the apple and walnuts and taste great. No one flavor dominates, and all three somehow complement each other.

Whats your favorite three ingredient dessert? I got about 15 jars of home use "leftover" syrup from the season in the freezer to try it on!

Something maple to do in the off season besides cut wood...:lol:
take care,

05-29-2019, 02:22 PM
1 large ice cube
2 fingers of bourbon
1 TBSP of pure maple syrup

05-29-2019, 03:30 PM
Loafers pudding
1 white cake mix. Mix according to instructions
Pour batter in cake pan
2 cups warm maple syrup poured over cake batter.
bake according to mix instructions.
Add french vanilla ice cream

05-29-2019, 04:29 PM
That's two fingers like this 👍isn't it Dr. Tim? I personally prefer Canadian whiskey!

05-30-2019, 10:40 AM
- Plain yogurt
- Maple syrup
- Good nutty granola

Instructions (ha!):
- Mix syrup into yogurt
- Sprinkle the granola on top



05-30-2019, 10:41 AM
Also, maple nuts have only two ingredients, and they're fantastic!

05-30-2019, 02:23 PM

Fruit, sugar, very dark syrup.

…of course you’ll need pectin and a little water, but I’m going to ignore the fact that those are “technically” ingredients since they are a staple of any jam recipe.

Use your favorite jam recipe for amounts of fruit, sugar and pectin.

Apple, pear, peach and strawberry alone or in combo, like strawberry/peach work best, flavor-wise.

Couple of tips:
Reduce the amount of water to compensate for water in the syrup.

Replace 1/5 of the sugar with an equal amount of syrup. This knocks back the sweet a bit and allows the fruit and maple flavors to come forward.

Apples have a natural pectin. If using apples, adjust the amount of added pectin accordingly (Google is your friend here).

Edit in...a splash of lemon helps keep the color.

05-30-2019, 02:24 PM
Like you make maple coated nuts, do popped popcorn with some salt before the cooked syrup hardens. Forget salted caramel. Salted maple is so much better.

05-30-2019, 04:07 PM
Hey, this is good, I'ma try some/all of these. On the pudding one, whats the consistency supposed to end up like?
And, maple coated cashews with a bit of salt sounds pretty good too.
Figures, the man with the phd comes up with the prize winner in like two seconds...lol...but i do bet its tasty.
take care, Mark

05-31-2019, 11:12 AM
Like you make maple coated nuts, do popped popcorn with some salt before the cooked syrup hardens.

Usually when I do maple nuts, I have to stir really hard, and sometimes for quite a while, to get the syrup to harden. If I did this with popcorn instead of nuts the popcorn would be broken up into tiny bits. How do you avoid this?

05-31-2019, 05:56 PM
1-Maple syrup with cinnamon stick
2-Oat meal
Works for me

06-01-2019, 05:42 AM
Hey, this is good, I'ma try some/all of these. On the pudding one, whats the consistency supposed to end up like?
And, maple coated cashews with a bit of salt sounds pretty good too.
Figures, the man with the phd comes up with the prize winner in like two seconds...lol...but i do bet its tasty.
take care, Mark

The pudding has a consistancy of cake on top with caramel on bottom. Best served warm

06-01-2019, 06:51 PM
Grand Peres
1)Maple Syrup

Dilute 1L of syrup 50/50 with water, put in 6qt saucepan with cover and bring to boil
Mix Bisquick w milk to form thick dumpling dough.
Drop large dollops (at least 2 heaping tablespoons) into boiling syrup. Add dollops until surface is covered. Place cover on pot, turn temp down to low and cook for 20 minutes ( do NOT remove lid during this time).
Check dumplings are cooked through, if necessary cook a little longer.
Spoon dumplings with sauce into bowl and enjoy!

06-04-2019, 02:17 PM
Usually when I do maple nuts, I have to stir really hard, and sometimes for quite a while, to get the syrup to harden. If I did this with popcorn instead of nuts the popcorn would be broken up into tiny bits. How do you avoid this?

Fold, not stir.