View Full Version : Jet pump

Minnesota Tapper
05-26-2019, 06:42 PM
Has anyone used a jet pump with a pressure switch to feed their high pressure pump in their ro? The jet pumps I'm finding in 220 volt all have a factory installed 30/50 switch. The switch easily be omitted but I wonder if the pump woukd fail if run continuous at higher pressures?

05-26-2019, 07:51 PM
The pressure switch can be swapped out for a different switch or you can adjust the pressure switch. Your jet pump won’t be running the same pressure as your RO. If it’s feeding the RO at say 60-70 psi that’s perfect. The 2 screws in the pressure switch are adjustable and the high pressure screw has the most adjustment in it. So if you can get it to say 70 your good.
I’m sure just replacing the pressure switch with a low pressure switch is easier. Square D has them.

MT Pockets Producer
05-27-2019, 05:11 AM
We use one and have had no issues. The factory switch was removed and it is wired into a low pressure shut off that shuts the entire unit down when the pressure drops.

maple flats
05-27-2019, 07:28 AM
I just use a 1HP SS sprinkler pump to feed my RO, it runs at 75 PSI +/-2. It runs continuous. I often thought a jet pump on a pressure switch would keep rapid cycling which is not good for a pump. If you go the jet pump route, I suggest you just use a low pressure to let it shut off as the sap runs out.

Minnesota Tapper
05-27-2019, 04:07 PM
I agree with everyone. My plan is to eliminate the pressure switch on the jet pump and use low and high pressure shutoffs to shut down the whole ro. There's sure alot of little things that go into building a mid size ro.