View Full Version : Lapierre Turbo 125 Questions

05-21-2019, 09:48 AM
Hi Everyone

So I think I've read every thread on here about Reverse Osmosis, but I'm thinking some more advice wouldn't hurt.

I've pretty well narrowed my RO search down to the Lapierre Turbo 125. But I do have a few questions if people have recommendations.

1 - I'll have 265 taps on medium vac (25") plus 30 on 3/16 and another 10 or so on buckets for just over 300 taps. Think this is a reasonable number of taps for this size machine?
(I really don't have more ability to expand. The absolute max number would be close to 400 and that would involve my neighbor quitting and me taking over his 80 taps)
From everything I've read and heard it seems like a good fit, but I'm always open to more ideas.

2 - My Lapierre dealer has both a 125 Turbo and a 125 Turbo Next Generation. As far as I can tell the only differences are the Next Gen has stainless built-in 5 way valves and a stainless pump cover. The Next Gen machine is about $2000 more. Any comments on differences or preferences?

3 - Wash tank heater and auto shut-off for the heater? Would you recommend getting a heater in the wash tank? Dealer says don't bother, and let the pump warm it up slowly so the membrane gets a longer rinse that way. But thought I'd check that advice with everyone here.

I'm in the process of adding an RO room and rebuilding my tank storage area (using lots of advice gathered from this site) and I think I'm good there. But again if anyone has advice please let me know.

Thanks very much

Russell Lampron
05-21-2019, 06:13 PM
I have a Turbo 125 that I bought new in 2004 for the 2005 season. It is a good size RO for 300 taps. I have over 700. I punished my RO for many seasons and it took the punishment and came back for more. I added a second tower to it for last season to make it a 250.

I don't use a wash tank heater and let the RO warm it up like your dealer recommends. I like the longer wash cycle. If you want to get the wash cycle done fast you can use a wash tank heater if you want to.

I built my own valve panel and wouldn't spend the extra money for the Next Generation if that's the only difference in the machines.

The Turbo 125 is expandable if you find that it's too small. It's also a true professional RO and will maintain the flow rates for a longer period of time than a hobby RO will. It will clean up faster and better than a hobby RO too.

05-22-2019, 06:58 AM
What type of concentration can you get through your machine on a single pass? I think the lapierre machines will run over 300psi correct?

05-22-2019, 07:02 AM
Thanks again Russell

I appreciate the advice.

One more question. Dealer says that you only heat the RO room during the maple season. Once the RO is drained is can sit unheated until about a week before the next season starts. (This is with membrane in solution in the warm house somewhere)
So I'm thinking most people only heat the RO room for 6-7 weeks. Does that sound about right?

Russell Lampron
05-22-2019, 06:26 PM
What type of concentration can you get through your machine on a single pass? I think the lapierre machines will run over 300psi correct?

When I did single pass concentration I would get 8% with the concentrate flow at .75 gpm and the high pressure just under 500 psi. I then changed to doing multiple passes. With the pressure at 300 psi and the flow rates equalized I could get 14% in 3 passes. Since I've added a second tower to my RO I only do 2 passes and if the sap is sweet enough I can get over 20% on the second pass. The Lapierre Turbo RO's have a high pressure switch that shuts them off at 500 psi.

Thanks again Russell

I appreciate the advice.

One more question. Dealer says that you only heat the RO room during the maple season. Once the RO is drained is can sit unheated until about a week before the next season starts. (This is with membrane in solution in the warm house somewhere)
So I'm thinking most people only heat the RO room for 6-7 weeks. Does that sound about right?

That's the way that I used to do it. I remodeled my sugar house in 2013 and when I did I built a 10x12 room for the RO and also use it as a filtering and canning room. I keep it heated all winter with a Modine heater that is connected to my OWB. I have a small propane heater for back up if the power goes out for an extended amount of time.

P.S. I love my Lapierre Turbo RO and what it can do. I don't recommend hobby RO's to anyone.

05-25-2019, 07:20 PM
P.S. I love my Lapierre Turbo RO and what it can do. I don't recommend hobby RO's to anyone.[/QUOTE]

I’m glad to hear it. I think I’m sold. Just have to finish the shack Reno’s first!
Thanks again