View Full Version : Reusing jugs

05-18-2019, 01:08 PM
Just curious how many people re use plastic jugs. I have customer that wants to give me an bunch of used ones but I really don't like the idea. I've reused some of the ones I've used but getting then and not knowing how they were cleaned afterwards is not something I think I want to risk my reputation for syrup on.

05-18-2019, 01:13 PM
I dont believe that legally you can reuse any container, ethically I kinda say it's not a good practice, I have reused glass but I dont sell it I will give it away as gifts.

05-18-2019, 02:38 PM
We explain to customers we can not reuse containers but take them back with a smile and throw them in recycling bin when we get home.

Russell Lampron
05-18-2019, 06:23 PM
Any syrup that I sell retail goes out in a new jug or bottle with a new cap. I would never reuse a jug that was returned to me from a customer.

Michael Greer
05-18-2019, 07:42 PM
I bottle everything in glass except a few special orders for folks taking syrup to Europe. I re-use plenty of jugs, which I wash, and are as clean as surgical instruments. That's the beauty of glass.

05-18-2019, 09:16 PM
Thanks everyone for confirming what I already believed. Jugs aren't cheap, but neither is loosing a customer due to improper packaging. I will say we have never had a problem reusing jugs for our own syrup but we know how they were handled and stored.

05-19-2019, 09:45 AM
I bottle everything in glass except a few special orders for folks taking syrup to Europe. I re-use plenty of jugs, which I wash, and are as clean as surgical instruments. That's the beauty of glass.

not legal to reuse

maple flats
05-19-2019, 02:25 PM
Thanks everyone for confirming what I already believed. Jugs aren't cheap, but neither is loosing a customer due to improper packaging.
Or losing a lawsuit from some foreign substance getting in there. just defending such a suit even if you win the lawsuit, the cost to defend it could put you in the poor house. Don't risk it. Even with glass unless you have a state inspected bottle washer that is certified and approved.

05-19-2019, 06:23 PM
Per New Hampshire State Dept of Ag, you CAN refill a customers jug or pickle jar or Jerry can all day long. You cannot can product in recycled containers for sale though, obviously! Recognize this thread is NY, we all need to check in with our respective state Ag depts.

05-19-2019, 07:47 PM
On the same subject, I do re use my blue 5 gallon jugs. That's OK, isn't it? I wash them with hot water and re use. I presume that's what everyone else is doing...?

05-19-2019, 07:54 PM
I realize if it is illegal for resale you shouldn't do it. But refilling a cleaned out bottle with 185 degree syrup(and new lid) sounds plenty safe to me.

Michael Greer
05-19-2019, 09:17 PM
Clearly there are too many lawyers in the world...

Russell Lampron
05-20-2019, 05:16 AM
On the same subject, I do re use my blue 5 gallon jugs. That's OK, isn't it? I wash them with hot water and re use. I presume that's what everyone else is doing...?

Yes that is okay, I do the same as well as other producers. You can control the cleanliness of those and know that they were only used for syrup storage.

Sugar Bear
05-20-2019, 07:45 AM
Clearly there are too many lawyers in the world...

I am sure the "laws" are designed to protect the consumer from the reuse of a bottle that was say used to store something like model airplane fuel after the maple syrup was consumed from it.

Even so I have to say that their is way way way too much time and law spent on the hysteria of seeing to it that maple products are clean. I.E. making sure sugar makers are not peeing on their finished product, and that they have a nearby bathroom.

Those people in the central valley that pick your strawberries **** in a bag and barely wipe their hands and then go pick more berries.

Last time I checked they don't boil them at 219 degrees before they put them in the package for sale.

Its absolutely ridiculous if you compare maple syrup to the rest of the food industry and ( Fish, Meat, Vegetables ) and the possibilities that may manifest and do manifest themselves on that frontier.

For example botulinum has not about a 1 in 600 trillion chance of successfully setting up shop in a maple syrup bottle.

O how those odds change with most other foods.

Has anybody ever been in the back of some of our mom and pop food processing institutions? Be warned if you do you will eat maple syrup for the rest of your life. Dirty bottle or clean!!!

It seems to me the law should be used where it actually means something and ignored where it does not.

05-20-2019, 08:06 AM
It seems to me the law should be used where it actually means something and ignored where it does not.

That is pretty much how it works now. Maple syrup production hygiene/food safety is not considered to be a serious threat in the grand scheme of things, and a great deal more effort is focused in areas where it can have huge consequences for health (meat, produce, dairy). However that doesn't mean that we should all disregard the rules just because we make syrup. I'm sure we've all toured a few sugarhouses that we would choose NOT to consume the syrup from. You would be absolutely amazed at some of the things that happen, some just accidently, some on purpose, some due to a "who care's" attitude, and others because people are dirt-blind.

Getting back to the original post...it comes down to the "intended use." Consumer retail containers are designed for single-use, so refilling is not recommended and may be illegal in some areas. The 5-gal plastic jugs/cans are typically multiple use, as are many drums, so can be cleaned and reused.

Bruce L
05-20-2019, 10:46 AM
Not legal here in Ontario to reuse any containers,were having this discussion around camp fire last night. Pretty sure beer or alcoholic bottles get reused continually,yet I have seen drunks piss in their bottles when they are done with them

Sugar Bear
05-20-2019, 05:20 PM
I'm sure we've all toured a few sugarhouses that we would choose NOT to consume the syrup from.

Yes I would agree with that but ...

Its a good thing the rest of the food industry does not open their doors to the public.

People would never eat again or only produce their own food.

While there product taste great, I struggle with a local small grocery store here in Hopewell Junction NY, every single time I see behind the curtain.

And badly!