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View Full Version : Cleaning the evaporator

05-10-2019, 03:40 PM
For those that use sap to clean your evaporator at year end, I'd like to hear comments on how long you leave the sap brew in your evaporator before draining and washing.

Thanks in advance.


buckeye gold
05-11-2019, 06:04 AM
until it has the smell of home brew and the texture of snot. I usuall let my set 6-8 weeks. After you wash it ( I use a powerwasher) I let it dry good and you'll have a fine white powder on some spots, but it brushes right off.

05-11-2019, 06:40 AM
I let mine sit until it smells like vinegar, usually 8-10 weeks. I drain it and then wash it out with a hose. I usually have to use a plastic scrubber to clean some of the areas. The deposits are soft and it doesn't take much effort.

bill m
05-11-2019, 07:04 AM
I also wait about 8 to 10 weeks. About when the smell has gone away it has stopped working, then I bring the pans outside and pressure wash.

Mark B
05-11-2019, 07:04 AM
No offense but why wait? I bought 3 gallons of vinegar and added it to 5 gallons of permeate in my 2x4 and let it sit 3-4 days. Came off with my finger tips, but I used a blue scotchbrite to increase my surface area, and was done in a half hour, rinse and all. Would think that you would get the same for a flued pan and could pressure wash as well.

bill m
05-11-2019, 07:17 AM
Why wait? I guess it depends on the size of your evaporator and how much time you have. If I had a 2x4 I would do the same but mine is a 3x10. I used vinegar once. It took 12 gallons in the rear pan and 3 in the front pan( along with enough water to fill the pans) to get a concentration strong enough to do anything.

buckeye gold
05-11-2019, 09:40 AM
I agree Bill, it's simple just to fill the pans with the last sap and walk away. I have enough to do cleaning everything else and I don't mind the wait. that way I can choose any day I have free time and clean.