View Full Version : Membrane questions

05-04-2019, 07:00 PM
Hi All, Hope everyone had a good sapping season. What I'm looking to find out is two things. First off on a 4x40 membrane can it be used both directions? What I mean is can you move the seal to the groove on the other end, turn it end for end and and run it? My second question is: At the end of my RO use I flushed it with tons of permeate water and meant to get it cleaned up and pull the membranes and get them in sodium metabisulfate but then I got sick. Real sick. It was just a couple days ago that I felt up to tearing it down. When I did pull the membranes out they smelled bad. I flushed them out good with fresh water and got them in the storage tubes with the pickling sauce. I'm thinking tomorrow I am going to pull them out and flush them again and put them back in some fresh sauce. My question is, Do you guys think they are ruined or not??? Opinions please!

05-04-2019, 07:49 PM
Definitly not ruined. I never hurts to give them a soap wash before putting them away.
The membrane storage solution is a disinfectant so no bacteria will grow in it or survive if it’s mixed properly.
If you can give them a good proper soap wash and rinse. Then put them away for the year.

maple flats
05-05-2019, 07:27 AM
I'd suggest a full soap wash, then an acid wash, followed by a soap wash, then a long rinse with permeate, then put them in the preservative. That end of season acid wash should be 2-4 weeks long.