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View Full Version : H20 Air Injection System

Bruce L
05-04-2019, 04:22 PM
Just curious if anyone has one of these systems, and if so did it perform up to expectations?

Russell Lampron
05-04-2019, 05:44 PM
I built my own air injector and it works better than I expected. Before I built it I was making dark syrup and darker from the beginning of the season to the end. Now I can make what I want depending on how much I concentrate my sap. If you're thinking of getting an air injector because you want to make lighter syrup, spend the money, you'll be happy with the results.

05-04-2019, 06:20 PM
I've been interested in a bubbler too, I struggle to make light syrup and I think that this would be the ticket, I probably have 50% red maples.

Russell Lampron
05-04-2019, 07:24 PM
I've been interested in a bubbler too, I struggle to make light syrup and I think that this would be the ticket, I probably have 50% red maples.

You should come down and check out my bubbler. I have about 90% red maples and it's not the trees it's the process. I didn't think I would ever make light syrup because most of my trees are reds. After the bubbler I found out that it was hard to make dark syrup. If you sell bulk it's a good problem to have but retail customers want dark syrup. After adding a second membrane to my RO I found that I can control the grade of syrup that I make by adjusting the concentration percentage. I couldn't do that without the bubbler.

05-05-2019, 01:02 PM
I put an H20 air injection system in this year and worked great. All light syrup and pans seemed to clean easier as it kept the nitre in suspension.
I’d been following Russ’s thread for a few years and finally pulled the trigger last December. It’s nicely made with a stainless housing for the blower with three 10x20” filters, two of which are charcoal.
All the air is piped into the rig via stainless sanitary pipe.
I mounted the blower outside with the air intake facing down.