View Full Version : Good Read. RO system comparison.

04-24-2019, 11:03 AM
Been trying to wrap my head around this RO business,,, before I attempt to design/build one...
I'm not there yet... but I did find this article very helpful...

maple flats
04-24-2019, 08:23 PM
I only skimmed that 8 pg paper, but it does not seem to address a maple RO design. It looks like a water treatment, maybe a desalination RO. For maple look at the many designs of those who have made them here, on this site. For example, I believe I saw only reference to brackish (salt water mixed with fresh water). That is not very closely related to a maple RO.
Most RO's (except for maple) keep the pure and dump the contaminated water, in maple we keep what they dump, because we have removed pure water and kept the concentrate which has the sugar in it. While We don't just dump the pure either, we use that to clean the equipment, from the RO, to the pans and all equipment used at the sugarhouse along with the barrels to be filled and all.

04-25-2019, 09:32 AM
Yep - Understood, that this is not specifically about Maple, but what I found interesting were the explanations and why?s and pros and cons of the different flow designs... which I think could also apply to Maple systems. EG Recirculating, vs Batch and multi-pass, multi-stage, etc...
I have been paying close attention to your posts, maple flats.... You seem to have a really good handle on RO, and are very helpful to everyone... I didn't want to bug you yet. You seem to keep pretty busy answering everyone's questions... Once I think I have a plan I will, no doubt, be running it past you all.