View Full Version : Slatebelt*Pa*Tapper is back

11-05-2007, 02:32 PM
Hay All...Im back, got the oil barrel evap working right...Cant wait to read all again this year and also make syrup this time too.

Did some major mod on the home made rig and its ready..I wanna add some pan supports yet to the steel plateing..

Boiled off some water today..yehaaa...Im back.... about 16 gph...


11-05-2007, 04:47 PM

Great to see ya back at it. Sounds like the rig is doing great if you are getting 16gph. Make sure you pick up some extra trees so you will have plenty of sap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-06-2007, 07:24 AM
Hey Brandon, thanks, was hopeing someone would remember me here. My rig did not work out for me last year and i just gave it up.

Then my wife bought a pint of real maple syrup at the food store and that T'ED me off $$$.

So i decide im going to get this rig working and thats what i did. Test boiled twice and the 2nd time i got what i was looking for.

Im gonna stick with the 120 some tree's i got as that should get me enough syrup for us.

Did you get out and do any hunting at all this year??? I was out archery a few times and took a doe and me and the wife each got a turkey, no buck yet. Seen very few. Maybe later in the rifle season i'l take one if im lucky enough..


11-06-2007, 08:39 AM

I hunted 1/2 day Thurs, all day Friday and Sat in a treestand and 1/2 day yesterday and I have seen 3 deer total. I am hoping to hunt daylight to dark the next 4 days and we'll see what happens. Gun season doesn't come in until week of Thanksgiving and I have to work Monday thru Thurs day week and then I am off until week after Thanksgiving. We'll see what happens, but it's been tough so far this year but I have been hunting in new locations each time I haven't hunted before.

11-08-2007, 02:30 PM
You will get one Brandon..There should be lots of nice deer down your way...


11-08-2007, 04:45 PM
Sure do recognise the Slatebelt*Pa*Tapper. Welcome back! That might be grounds for divorce if the little woman byes some one else's syrup!;)
Glad to rig is performing and 120 (trees) or taps will keep you coming back for the trader fix.
Us PA guys do need to hang together! (Old tubing joke) sorry!

11-08-2007, 08:20 PM
Hey Howdy Chris, i think i remember you also,,,Well i like to eat p-cakes and when i seen that, i thought man why spend all that when i can basically make it for nothing and lots of it for us..

I was eating ms butterworth for awhile. But it just dont tast like the real thing..

Cant wait to get at it..they said on the weather report today that it may be a mild winter..Hope it helps and not hurts'''

Nice web site you got there......
