04-10-2019, 11:48 AM
I can't find a category for my question so I'll just put it here:
I've added a lot of food grade tubing/hose in my sugar house this year to move sap and concentrate around. I have a 3/4" milk hose coming in from my bulk tank to the RO, and a smaller line returning to the bulk tank for re circulation of the concentrate. I also have a manifold and more line that I use to divert sap to the feed tank for the evaporator. All of this line is somewhat permanently installed and I don't want to take it all apart (hose clamps, strapping, etc.). I have flushed all the lines with permeate now that the season is over for me. I drained what I could, but there are low spots and areas that still have the permeate in them. Should I leave that in? Should I rinse it out with more water? Should I blow it out with air? Is there was way I should "wash" the milk hoses? I also have several feet of PVC that I pump sap though to my bulk tank. Will flushing that with water be sufficient?
Thanks for any suggestions!
I've added a lot of food grade tubing/hose in my sugar house this year to move sap and concentrate around. I have a 3/4" milk hose coming in from my bulk tank to the RO, and a smaller line returning to the bulk tank for re circulation of the concentrate. I also have a manifold and more line that I use to divert sap to the feed tank for the evaporator. All of this line is somewhat permanently installed and I don't want to take it all apart (hose clamps, strapping, etc.). I have flushed all the lines with permeate now that the season is over for me. I drained what I could, but there are low spots and areas that still have the permeate in them. Should I leave that in? Should I rinse it out with more water? Should I blow it out with air? Is there was way I should "wash" the milk hoses? I also have several feet of PVC that I pump sap though to my bulk tank. Will flushing that with water be sufficient?
Thanks for any suggestions!