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View Full Version : All done for this year

04-07-2019, 02:12 PM
It's 69 degrees and overcast. Ron finished th e last of the canning. Ended up with 1 gallon. Better than nothing. Has a good color and taste. Beginning on yard work. Lots of leaves left over.

maple flats
04-07-2019, 06:22 PM
My last boil on new sap was today. The pans are still full, I will now empty the back pan into a barrel, fill the head tank with permeate and boil the rest in the syrup pan. The final bit will go into the finisher for getting to final density. I also need to boil off one partial barrel that was held to the end, it was questionable. Then I have some to pack from barrels to balance my stock and I need to fill my next barrel of bourbon barrel aged maple syrup, this one will be a 15 gal barrel.
Then comes tubing cleaning and tap pulling along with shrooming (Morels grow in part of my bush). Love-em.
We also need to bottle more bourbon barrel aged maple syrup, need to order more of my larger size bottle first. I never guessed how popular the bigger size would be compared to the smaller one. Sold out of the larger size too soon.

04-08-2019, 08:44 AM
Finished off just about 7 gallons last night. I had more niter and foam on this boil than any of the previous ones. It took every prefilter that I owned to get through this batch. Last week I did just about 10 gallons with 3-4 prefilters.
I ended up with just about 21 gallons off of 90 taps, plus I dumped a questionable 55 gallons that was getting cloudy. (It probably would of been ok). I learned a few things again which is important. I did my first run of tubing, 15 taps in a area where it would have been difficult to carry buckets from. I will probably run another additional 20 tap line next year. Also converting most of my bags to buckets for next year. I will still keep a few bags so my trail cameras can show me when its time to make the trip to empty.
As everyone knows, now there is a lot of cleanup to do for next year.
Putting the pier in and going Walleye fishing is on the near horizon.
25% Amber, 75% dark - very dark this year.

Run Forest Run!
04-08-2019, 11:59 AM
Wonderful to read your stats for the 2019 season Trapper2. I'm not looking forward to the cleanup phase of sugaring either, whenever that comes. There might still be some sap to come around here in a few days. Right now I can catch my breath.

04-17-2019, 05:23 PM
We had our last boil of 40 gal on 4/6/19. We are in the mid-michigan area. This was our first season and had a ball. We learned so much this year from this site and a little trial and error. Thank you to all who post on here you info was invaluable!