View Full Version : Marshmallow Foam

04-07-2019, 07:01 AM
Ok guys, we were finishing our syrup last night and not sure what happened. We finish on the stove, and then run it through our cone filter. We have 2 filters setup an make shift stands. One had just stopped flowing so we rinsed it and hung it to dry. Brought the next batch of syrup over, but we poured it thru the filter we had just cleaned that was fairly wet, not our 2nd filter. The Wife said she saw a lot of water go into the pan before syrup. Got worried we had too much water in there again. Took it back to the stove to bring it back to temp. Had it on medium heat. The wife was looking straight over it and said that looks very strange, she read the temp, 212, then boom, boiled straight over before we could do anything. We cleaned everything up and aired out the house. When we went back to the pot with the syrup in it there was a marshmallow like foam on top, and the syrup looked cloudy. We scraped off the foam (which had no taste to it), and the syrup did settle and clear. So the question is, what happened? Could water in a wet filter cause syrup to behave like that? And what was on top? It didn't act like that the 1st time we finished it. The syrup cooled down and it looks and tastes fine. Not sure I trust it though.... btw, sorry that was really long!

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04-07-2019, 08:01 AM
Sounds a lot like ropy syrup. But unusual time to find it on the immediate reboil. Water should have not effect. The white marsh mellow stuff sounds a lot like ropy syrup. I imaging the water she saw was just from the filter and would have just blended in to the hot filtered batch, making it a little less dense.

04-07-2019, 09:32 AM
Sounds a lot like ropy syrup. But unusual time to find it on the immediate reboil. Water should have not effect. The white marsh mellow stuff sounds a lot like ropy syrup. I imaging the water she saw was just from the filter and would have just blended in to the hot filtered batch, making it a little less dense.
ChrisI read your response to my wife, and she said, yes a rope, that's what I saw! So it must have gone bad. The more we think about it we may have added the filtered syrup to a pot that had to be finished. Then we heated them up togrther. The stuff in that pot must have been bad. We also just popped the top and took a smell, doesn't smell sweet at all. Looks like we took good syrup and added it to bad syrup.... oh well. Thanks for the response. Had not seen ropy syrup until last night.

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04-07-2019, 11:46 AM
To help prevent that, when it's late in the season, get in the habit of dipping a scoop into the pan or bucket and pull out some syrup/sap/sweet and let it drip off the end. You'll see fairly quickly if it is ropey, and know not to mix it in with any good stuff.