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View Full Version : Finishing the final finishing pan full

04-02-2019, 09:34 PM
My season is coming to an end and as i boil the last of my sap, I wondered, how do you finish the final soon to be syrup in the finishing pan?

This year with my 15 taps, Aquatic vacuum pumps and finishing pan, I more than doubled my syrup, ending with 6.25 gallons plus whatever is in the finishing pan. My wife suggested I sell some to offset the cost of the hobby.

Thanks for your suggestions.

04-03-2019, 05:16 AM
I'm not sure how the professionals do it in the larger pans, but on my small 2x4 Mason I SLOWLY and PATIENTLY bring the level down in my pan to as low as I feel comfortable. Really I just let it slow boil and then simmer as I throw on small pieces of wood. Then I drain the pan and finish on a propane burner.

04-03-2019, 11:41 AM
Thanks for the tip.

maple flats
04-03-2019, 07:48 PM
I have 2 pans, I drain the back pan into a barrel, then fill the back pan and my head tank with permeate. I then boil it down enough that I figure it will fit comfortably in my 2x6 finisher. I then finish it there.
When I had a 2x3 and a 2x6 I boiled it down to about 3/4" in the evaporators. Then I did the rest of the way on 3 turkey fiyers and SS pots, then reduced it to 2 pots and finally on one turkey fryer and a single SS pot until I had the proper density.