View Full Version : november journal

Dave Y
11-01-2007, 06:49 PM
here it is Nov 1 already. I worked on this date for the first time in years. I normally start vacation to trap on this date. I have a small maple project that is keeping me from that past time. I am currently setting up a woods with tubing.
I am hoping to get a 1000 taps set up in time for this season. I have the main lines almost all in. with any luck I will be done by the end of Jan.

11-01-2007, 08:09 PM
Dave good for you, you are going to enjoy going to collect from tubing.

11-01-2007, 08:57 PM
Got back in the woods the past couple of days. I've gotten all the mainline up and quite a bit of 5/16. All most all of the trees are 2-3 taps, would have been 3-4 10 years ago. Bottled syrup this evening to deliver tomorrow.

11-02-2007, 03:40 AM
Well I didn't get as much acomplished as I would have liked to so far but oh well. Today is the last day of work for us for the season. then its youth hunting weekend this weekend. Then time to get into the sugarwoods. I have the wood splitter just about built. I built a splitter to handle 42" wood. With a few modifactions it will be a full fledge wood processor. Got the area in the woods set for a new holding tank, and made some more roads in and out. Hoping to get back into the big bush and get my 1700 taps setup. A lot to do and hopefully the weather will hold. Looks like I have to get my deer right off this season so I can get the sugaring opoeratrion ready for spring. But like I tell myself one day at a time.
Good luck to all the hunters and everyone be safe.

Jim Brown
11-02-2007, 06:09 AM
Well next week it will be off to try and find upper Hillsboro N. H. and pick up a new RO. GPS and Mapquest says about 550 miles from home. Looking forward to the trip and seeing some new parts of the great country God has given us. Going to finish putting the final taps on the new bush on Saturday should finish up with around 450.Will pick up the releaser on the way home from NH and that will finish the project. Will have all our taps on vac come spring.Some were between 800 and 1000. Weather is getting cold around here at night Temp was 23 this morning and the frost was heavy!!!

Hope every one has a blessed Thanksgiving!

11-02-2007, 08:32 AM
What did you get for an RO?

Jim Brown
11-02-2007, 10:54 AM
Royalmaple;We found a 150 GPH Lappiere new in the box(we didn't Chris from the Maple Guys did) one year old still in the original shrink wrap.Membrane is still in the original factory container.


11-04-2007, 09:46 PM
Finally finished the latest project of converting to oil and adding on to the sugarhouse. Since we didn't need a woodshed anymore we decided to box it in and add some space inside for more storage and visiting room. The new room is 8x12 and adds nice space to the 12x16 room that already exists. I added some new photos to the web page so check them out if you are interested.

The days are getting shorter and for now I am glad to have this project done. The only thing left to do before sugaring is to run a few pipelines on some nearby roadside trees to make collecting easier. I plan on one pipeline with about 50 Taps and a few others in the woods with 30-50 on each. I am trying to cut down on all the buckets where a line would work that way I can use the buckets in other places where lines are not an option. I am hoping to be up from 300 to 400 this season.


11-05-2007, 04:53 PM

Very nice operation and a job very well done. Nice to see others take such great pride in their work!!!!

11-05-2007, 04:58 PM
Added more taps in my new sugarbush the last couple of days. Found a spring saturday all the up so that will make washing the tubing doable. Took my wife up yesterday and she thought I should have some ropes on a couple spots to help get up and down, now that's steep! Trees are not only wide, but very tall. I'll be going to Ohio in a couple days to help my parents and go to the heart doctor with my mother. So I'm probably out of the woods for awhile.

Dave Y
11-05-2007, 06:36 PM
Set traps on Saturday . just a couple dozen. Still working on the tubing project.It would go a lot faster if I didn't have to deal with so much brush. Seems like everywhere a line needs to be it is choked with brush. If I owned the property I would clear all the brush and build brush piles for rabbits. I was working on a mainline yesterday about dusk when a turkey roosted in a tree almost directly above my brother and I. More help would be nice also. going on vacation next week, til the first of next month. Hopefully I can get most of it done. going to check traps till about 11am then work in the woods.

11-05-2007, 08:49 PM
They are supposed to get a few inches of snow up north and in the mountains here in Maine. I hope we have a normal winter, but who can tell what will happen.

I've been hunting up on the woodlot, and it's been really nice weather. Not too cold. Not many deer either, but that's ok.

11-06-2007, 06:48 AM
The Governor and I went out yesterday hammering on the old metal detectors. Found some coins but nothing real old. THen we decided to head over to my bush down the road to figure out some tubing. Got some nice slope to make it from where my tank is now to within about 150 feet of the pavement. So that will make life much easier for sure. Only about 1600 feet of wet and dry line to run and many more maples in the middle waiting to be punctured. Were guessing 1000-1200 in there on the one side of the hill. So should be interesting for sure. There were some nice big trees in there hiding, but I saw them. Lots of work ahead to get that all ready for next season.

11-06-2007, 08:51 AM
i got to the sugar woods yesterday with chainsaw in hand. still alot down from the april storm. after four hours of fighting brush and down trees, all my wet dry lines are up and ready. alot of brush on the branch lines and tighting up to do before i can start on any rebuilding and new tubing i want to put out. but the snow is not deep enough yet for that fun

Dave Y
11-07-2007, 05:13 AM
we are getting our first snow fall here today there is a couple of inches on the ground.But nothing like the got in Eire Pa. I am still hauling firewood. I have in 15 cords and hope to get in 10 more before the month is over. I dont expect to burn that much. It never hurts to be prepared.

11-07-2007, 09:22 PM
Wow Dave, That's a lot of wood. Will make a nice start for next year if you dont burn it all in 08.

Wood fire is cranking in the house. Burning that big maple that was one of those cow trees when we were tapping it. I got about 5 cord of split maple from that one tree.
Sent you a P.M. too


11-08-2007, 04:47 AM
Guys- Sounds like you guys are working hard to get ready for spring too. This is a little update on where im at with my setup. The sheds all done on the outside. Im hoping within about three weeks Ill have all the tubing done to completion. Bought another bulk tank so I have 4 now with a combined cap of at least 2300 gals. I still dont know how mady taps I have Im guessing around a thousand but im not sure. As soon as Im done with the woods Ill move into the shed and finish up the inside. Im putting a potbelly in the shed so I can have some heat while I work in there this winter. I bought a vac pump and releaser so I will have the entire works on vac this year. My wife confiscated my checkbook so I wont have an ro, it could get a little dicey but im not worried. Slow and steady wins the race. Theron

Dave Y
11-08-2007, 05:17 AM
you sound like you are in the same boat as I am. Only my vac will have to wait until next year. remember it is better to have sap waiting on you than it is to be waiting on sap. with current syrup prices and projected prices any syrup you make will be worth making.

11-08-2007, 05:29 AM
Dave- Thats what Im thinking too Dave. I figure too much sap is a good problem. With the years weve had here I think the vac is a huge advantage at least in our area. Im going to make the shed real nice inside and all the sap will run into the house so all I really have to do is boil. Well see how it goes. The bottom line is this stuff is so expensive you kind of have to do things as you feel you can afford them. Theron

11-08-2007, 06:08 AM
I'm almost through the tubing I took out of one bush, all hung and ready to be tapped, plus a couple new rolls and droplines. Got to where I can see the sky through the trees, I think that's the top of the ridge I'm tapping, on a nice shelf full of maples. Going to have to run more mainline to get the best out of them. Time for breakfast and then back on the hill.

Dave Y
11-08-2007, 05:26 PM
Chris, I want to run out of sap before i run out of wood.
Theron, I wish I could run every thing to the sugar house also but it is impossible to do. so I have to keep the old truck cranking an keep hauling

11-08-2007, 05:34 PM
Dave- How about some details about your new bush. Sounds like your installing it all for vac and adding the pump next year. Hows your tubing coming out? Theron

11-08-2007, 06:44 PM
theron, before i got my r/o , i would start boiling as soon as there was enough sap to start. one thing to your advantage is that the sap runs to the sugar house. figure out how many gallons per hour your rig will evap. as soon as you have close to that start boiling. and you will some what keep up. many a day i was boiling it as fast as it came in. it gets a little interesting when it starts to freeze. i will say that i do not miss those 14 hour boiling days.

11-08-2007, 07:23 PM
Jeff- I was thinking exactly what your saying. I figure Ill take off work and take a walk in the woods in the morning and check my lines and as soon as I get 150-200 gals ill start boiling. Itll probly get a little brutal but Ill have to deal with it. My wife threatened to do bad things to me if I buy the ro so thats that. My dad says hell come up and spell me so Ill be able to get some sleep. Its all good. Theron

11-09-2007, 03:52 PM
Ran more 5/16 in the new sugarbush this morning and then took my kids and took the rest of the tubing out of the bush up the road. Figured after they screwed me I really did'nt want anything to do with them anymore. I've got enough to do without having to be nice to some jerks. Was'nt sure if I'd take it all out, but went though the woods and counted the taps I already had. When I got over 500 and still have trees to get to, that made up my mind. Not going to have much time in the woods for awhile though. Going to Ohio sunday, then thanksgiving, and then I get to go in the hospital for another check on the cancer thing. Figure I'll be back to it mid december, but I've got enough done so I can relax for a bit.

11-09-2007, 05:16 PM
Hope that your journey goes well, always nice to be around family and friends for Thanksgiving. Keep your spirits up its just a check up.

Dave Y
11-10-2007, 05:09 AM
I will be heading to the woods shortly to work on the tubing project. It is wet and cold just the kind of days you love to work outside in . Its gotta get done.
Only 3 1/2 months to go!

11-10-2007, 04:34 PM
Since last Thurs thru today, I hunted every day but Tues and Sunday which is prohibited and spent over 70 hours in my climbing treestand in 7 different locations ranging aprox 10 miles apart and saw a grand total of 8 deer, one of which was a small buck. There are no acorns anywhere and it appears all the deer have went to the fields to eat where I don't have access to hunt. I hunt on public land and nearly everywhere I hunt it is 1.5 to 2 hours from the time I leave the vehicle until I climb the tree and most places are gorges that are nearly straight up all the way to the stand and lots of cliffs. Amazing the difference this year vs last and the deer population is probably higher this year in the state due to the huge acorn crop last fall. Oh well, there is always next year. Gun season comes in a week from Monday and I have off that week and may go after them some if I can get rested up by then.

I did manage to shoot a coyote at aprox 15 yards yesterday morning and could have probably shot another or two. I was on the face of a large cliff heading to the location I was going to hunt and it was just after daylight when a pack of about 6 of them came by. Never been less than 15 yards from 2 coyotes eye level having a staredown for aprox a minute.

11-10-2007, 05:03 PM
Brandon- Your a darn good hunter to get a coyote with a bow. Ive always kind of wanted to get one but I almost never see them although I do hunt a lot. Pretty cagy critter. I had one chance at one on stand deer hunting but I could see daylight behind him, skyline shot, had to let him go. Theron

Father & Son
11-11-2007, 10:46 AM
Yesterday was like Christmas morning. Chase and I went and picked up our new (used but new to us ) evaporator. 2 X 8 Dallaire raised flue that was listed on here a couple of weeks ago. Looks brand new, welded stainless pans, stainless arch and stack. Already set up in the garage but the wife said I wasn't allowed to fire it up in there. Oh well as soon as I sell the 2 x 6 I'll get this set up and do a test boil. Now that the weather is cooling down, the leaves are falling, and we've had our first snowfall, sugarin' season is just around the corner.

11-11-2007, 04:12 PM
Bought another vacuum pump today. So I'll have 800 taps on one pump and 400 on the other. Should help make next season better. Changed my plans, flying out to Ohio tuesday. The flight was the same as gas for the truck. Never thought I'd see that. Ran some more mainline up on the ridge, then watched the browns fall apart. There's always next week.

Dave Y
11-11-2007, 04:56 PM
I cant believe you are a browns fan! You must feel pretty good this year, you finally get to take the bag off your head.

11-11-2007, 05:42 PM
Well it's November So It's time for a up date.
I finished clearing out the other sugar bush this summer. I moved the main lines around Added 1 more. Replaced all of the green crap tubein with the good ipl light blue. Added a sap ladder 33 more taps.
Also rebuilt the roadway 100 dump trailer loads of dirt and rock.
I'm up to 750 taps all on vac. up from 550 last year. Still waiting for my new leader revolution pans with the max 11.5" flue pan.

11-11-2007, 08:44 PM
Will be waiting to hear how that new Leader pan preforms! I did get a chance to see one at the PA state tour in October. Nice unit. Sounds like you have been busy!


11-12-2007, 06:07 AM
i hope you see your pans sooner that the day you have sap in the storage tank waiting to boil.

Dave Y
11-12-2007, 04:39 PM
Just came in from the woods. Ran another 3/4 in mainline . Looks like I should finish up with the black pipe tomorrow. then on to the 5/16 blue. would be nice to have that done by the end of the month. I doubt that it will happen with bear and deer season coming up very soon. While I was planning my pipeline this summer I seriously over estimated how much 3/4 black pipe i would need. I have 10/400ft rolls that I would sell if any one is interested. I would give you a price that can't be matched. If you would like to find out more send me a PM.

11-12-2007, 06:01 PM
Just finished the day making balsam wreaths. The brush is better than it has been, and they are full and proud wreaths. Our friend needs to make at least 100 for this coming weekend craft fair. Made 31-12", 3-16", and one 8". It's was nice to be around the smell of fir. I'm also helping them set up a sugar-bush that should be around 200 mature 2 tap trees. The thinning is being done this fall, and the taping will start next season not this one.

11-12-2007, 08:46 PM
Dave Y,
I got my bear license, and just put new rings and a 3-9 x 40 scope and flip up caps on one of the 06's tonight, What day do I need to show up??

We always had trouble sighting this 760. The gun shop I took it to tonight found that the base attached to the rifle was out so far pointing the scope to the left that it was visible to the eye. Hum Never noticed it for 40 years and killed a lot of deer with it. Anyway he suggested new Millet brand rings which have wind age adjustments on them. Added the new scope just in case the old one was not any good, and the plastic flip up all weather caps are a must. Will get it sighted in just in time for bear season.

Dave Y
11-12-2007, 09:32 PM
We are going to Kinzua for the season. We are camping in a tent should be interesting. You are welcome to come!

11-13-2007, 06:40 PM
well havent posted for a while been deer hunting, saw 6 in all but havent got any shots. got the sugar wood in and the hoses and pans cleaned. havent got the tubing up yet. picked up 26 more taps mostly in peoples yards. i severly need an evaporator. the one i got only boils off 7 gal/hr. a little on the slow side.i also feel like an idiot becuase i forgot my password for my photobucket account i know its pathetic

11-13-2007, 09:10 PM

Hard to beat Millet rings. Make good use of them and put a big one on the wall!

11-14-2007, 03:34 AM
Been busy here. Hunting also, got a few shots at a big 8 -10 pointer on opening morning. But missed, was being watched very closely by a small spike horn. About fifity feet to close. Haven't done a whole lot in the sugar woods yet. Hoping to get things going in the next week or so.
WESTVIRIGINAMAPLER how close are you from HAgerstown Marland?
Hope all the hunters are sucseccful.
Take care

Dave Y
11-14-2007, 07:59 PM
I finished hanging my mainline yesterday. Took today of from the woods and did some things around the house. Will start the laterals tomorrow. Yesterday I was trimming the brush on the one mainline and cut a branch off of a sugar maple. The sap poured out of it. Hope all the tree in the new bush run like that in the spring. I noticed that the birch trees were running also.

11-14-2007, 08:09 PM
Brandon, Pete and DaveY,
Yes those Millet rings look great. Wont be long your son will be hunting with you correct?
Pete, sounds like the BIG one got away!
There is a chance I might team up with DaveY for bear next week???
I do have 10 days of vacation to use between now and the end of the year. So work will suffer a little during hunting season.:)
Looking forward to this opening day of buck/doe as our youngest grandson Mike will be carrying a rifle for the first time in PA woods. Its brown and down day for him so hope we pick a good spot and see some speed beef. It will be nice to pass on some tradition. He has a lot to learn. It should be a good time for the 'old man and the boy' to make some memories.


11-14-2007, 09:05 PM

I have never been there and I think it is just across the border from Martinsburg, WV, but not sure. Aprox 4 hours I think.


My oldest is 5. He has been squirrel hunting with me every year including when he was 14 months old. Hopefully I can teach him to shoot a 410 next year, but a few more before he can deer hunt!

Father & Son
11-15-2007, 09:03 AM
Went to Jim Cermak's (Maplepro-CDL-Dallaire Dealer) in Middlefield, Ohio to get information on bricking this raised flue arch before I did it wrong and had to re-do. On the way home I bounced a wall hanger off the hood of my car. Big deer, huge rack, but it was so quick I was unable to count points, 20-22 inch spread easy. Turned around and went back to see if it was laying there, but it was dark. Wasn't laying on or close to the road so I hope he was able to walk away. Would be a shame to have that one killed by a car.


P.S. I did get some pictures posted of the new evaporator.

11-15-2007, 12:47 PM

Put the photo link in your signature or add a web bar to make it easier for others to find!

11-15-2007, 12:51 PM

Nice looking setup and evaporator. I bet the Leader 2x6 could tell some stories if it could talk. I would be it has made many hundreds of gallons of syrup over the years. Any idea what model year it was??

Father & Son
11-15-2007, 05:28 PM
The Leader label on the pan says 1979. It's in remarkable shape for the age. I don't know if the arch has ever been retined because it has been painted. I agree with the stories it could tell just with some of the stunts I have pulled.


Dave Y
11-15-2007, 06:35 PM
I started pulling laterals today. Thank God for gore tex! I rained and the sun shone then it snowed. It is a little slow going. It would go faster if I had a tubing spinner to hang the roll of tubing on the main line. Going to try to put two more days in before I go bear hunting.

11-16-2007, 11:25 AM
Dave Y - I'll try to take a picture of the tubing spinner my father built. It's made out of one end of an old wooden wire spool with 2 pieces of steel bolted to it and folded over each other in the middle. On top it has a hook that can spin freely that you attach to the mainline. I think he's got about $2 invested in it. I won't stretch lines without it anymore.

11-16-2007, 11:36 AM
Dave, and anyone that is interested I made a tubing spinner for about 3 bucks. Here's a picture of it. It does work pretty well. I just hook on the mainline and peel the latterals off.

11-16-2007, 11:40 AM
Here's a picture of my new toy.

Central Classic model 6048. Trailer is nutted with this baby on it.

11-16-2007, 11:54 AM
I have seen these (dealer close by) and a neighbor has one. Look like nice units. I hear the key is to get the best insulated pipe (about $15 per foot??) to keep from loosing heat into the ground.
Would love to have one. I think my wood consumption might go up? I use about 6 cord now with a add on furnace in the basement connected to the forced air propane.


11-16-2007, 12:04 PM
I got the thermopex pipe from the dealer, like anything there are immitations on the market and are not as insulated. This pipe was 11.70/ft from him. Dealer to dealer it varies but for the same stuff it was all in the 12.00/ft range.

This unit is rated as a max btu output of 500,000 btu. There is a guy down the road that has the exact same model, he heats his duplex and his fathers house next door which is over 200 feet away, and domestic hot water for both buildings and burned about 9-10 cord last year.

So really not a wood burning hog as you might imagine.

11-16-2007, 12:25 PM
I have talked to a few people that have them and they have said the same thing about wood consumption. They actually use less is what I have heard. That is a nice unit that you have there Matt. Are you going to heat your shop too?

Fred Henderson
11-16-2007, 01:05 PM
I have had one of those but its a size smaller for about 7 years now. I heat my house(3000 sq ft), my hot water and my 1500 sq ft shop for 18 face cords a season.

11-16-2007, 03:16 PM
Yeah, I am going to pipe it over to the shop and have modine or similar blower going in here. Kinda makes sense since then I only have one fire to tend etc.

This one is certainly big enough for the job. The next smaller one was enough but was pretty much maxed out as far as size goes to heat the barn too. So went with the bigger unit, it holds 393 gallons of hot water in the jacket around the boiler. I could heat the neighbors house too.

I should have made up my mind sooner, since I could have saved some serious time splitting wood for the shop. I was amazed at the size wood that can be used an they actually recommend larger pieces vs small split up wood.

Hopefully I can take my oil that I got now in the tank and have it last till next year at this time. I was just looking to fill it up and the 3.00/gallon wasn't making me feel all that warm and fuzzy inside.

Fred do you put in full length pieces?

11-16-2007, 04:06 PM
Dave, and anyone that is interested I made a tubing spinner for about 3 bucks. Here's a picture of it. It does work pretty well. I just hook on the mainline and peel the latterals off.

In all material aspects that's the same thing as we use. The only modification I want to make it to put a top on it to keep the tubing from wrapping around the hook and swivel at the top. I figure a circular metal top from a spool of 14/2 wire held in place by thumb screws will work well.

11-16-2007, 04:33 PM
Depending on the mainline size I also will put a shackle around the mainline then put the hook on the bottom of the shackle.

Dave Y
11-16-2007, 04:51 PM
Ennismaple- Matt,
Thanks for the Idea. I had thought about building one but never did. I have been un-spooling the tubing by hand and it is Kind of a pain in the..... I will have to build one before I am done

11-16-2007, 08:18 PM
Nice looking new toy Matt. Think you can spare some heat? Let me know if you need any help in setting up.

Russell Lampron
11-17-2007, 05:50 AM
Matt it is a good thing that you got the RO machine. Now all of the wood that Willy won't be eating can go into the new boiler.

At $3.00 per gallon and rising filling the oil tank sure takes a bite out of the budget. The same is true for gas prices. I am thinking of trading my truck for a small car. I still have my 77 GMC 1 ton sap hauler to haul the big stuff.


11-17-2007, 07:45 AM
Lou-I got pleanty of heat you just buy the pipe to get it to your place.

Russ I got enough wood for them both at this point with more on the way.

11-18-2007, 06:25 AM
I was finally able to connect on a big 10 pointer yesterday evening with about 15 to 20 minutes of light left on the last day of archery season before gun season starts tommorrow. After gun season for 2 weeks, it is futile to hunt big bucks around here with archery gear as the rut is over and they become nocturnal unless you could find a place with minimal pressure and a good food source which would be about as likely as finding a gold mine that is not posted. I had a good 8 to 10 pointer on my for aprox 20 to 25 minutes straight down wind of me on Friday evening from 4:30 to 5:00, but he was on ful alert coming thru the staging area and he went back and forth at least a couple of times downwind and he could just sense something was not exactly right and looked up at me several times but just wasn't sure. I had a good broadside shot at 45 yards as he was leaving, but there were a few twigs and small branches that I would have had to shot thru and I didn't want to take the chance. If he had been a monster, I would have let it rip as there wasn't much in the way and I could have very likely made the shot. He was a nice 8 or 10 and maybe the same buck I killed yesterday, but I don't think he was quite that big.

I didn't go to the stand until about 1:30 yesteday and spent 30 minutes just deciding on the exact right tree I thought I needed to be in just in case he came back thru the staging area again. I doubted he would and didn't plan on hunting yesterday, but it was about the best day since Nov 1st and I couldn't get it off my mind, so off I went. I saw him aprox 5 pm about 125 yards away angling towards and slightly away from me. Less than a minute later, he hit a small draw to his left and nearly straight away from me and turned and went down into it and got out of sight in just a few seconds. I grabbed my True Talker and hit it fairly loud once and then gave 3 or 4 little put grunts and about a minute later, I saw him coming on the upwind side of me. I guessed he was going to pass between 30 and 40 yards as I had ranged a spot with my ranger find that was 37 yards about 20 yards to the lft and when he hit the opening, I mouth grunted and stopped him. When I shot, I heard a thwack sound like a fleshy thud, but I wasn't sure as he just ran out about 30 yards and stopped. I thought that he didn't even know what happened and I had missed and I could probably grunt him back in as he didn't appear to be scared at all unlike the day before when the one had been on red alert from the time I first saw him until he left. I watched him for aprox 60 to 90 seconds and then I saw him stagger and thats when I knew I had hit him good. He went about 20 yards to his left and staggered a a little and then bedded down. He laid there a couple of minutes with his head up and then flopped over a couple of times and that was it. I hit him back a little and right thru both sides of the liver. The arrow went completely threw him and just a few inches from being out of him. I stepped off the shot and it was between 40 and 45 yards in the woods. I practice shooting 1 to 2 days a week from June threw Nov and always shoot 40 yards and sometimes practice out to 50. It is hard to get an open shot in the woods out past 30 yards most of the time. I have to give God 100% of the credit for the buck as I do with all my bucks and I thank NAP for making spitfire broadheads. This is the 4th big buck in 25 months I have killed with my bow and their impact are devistating. They knock about a 2" hole upon entry and the exit hole is 1.5". I haven't scored him yet, but hope to before church this morning and before I take him to the taxidermy. I would guess he is 115 to 120 inch 10 point with an almost perfrect 10 point rack. I will try to post a couple of pictures on my website link below.

Fred Henderson
11-18-2007, 07:08 AM
Congradulations Brandon!!!!!!!!!!! Being prepared and pre planning is what good hunters do and you being one of those has paid off well for you.

11-18-2007, 07:09 AM

Thanks and I was a little off on the score. He gross scored 137" exactly P&Y which is my biggest yet. The last one I killed last year grossed 136.25 P&Y.

11-18-2007, 09:36 AM
Congratulations! Can't wait to see the pictures. I doubt if there are many of us that hunt with the same passion that you do. Nice Job!


11-18-2007, 11:03 AM
Brandon- Its a good feeling when they tip over when your questioning the shot isnt it? We dont really have very good hunting here any more like we used to. They combined our seasons and there have been so many doe killed not many deer. Been working pretty steady in my woods. Im almost done on the tubing about one more week and I think itll be complete. Started out last year thinking Id put out 600. Then figured 800 and It looks like Im going to be a little over 1100. Running tube is addictive. I think its come out pretty nice. Ill get some pics when I get a chance. Ive done the best I can and im going to have to say thats that. I bought one more tank so I have 4 bulktanks with combined cap of about 2300 I think. Hopefully in about two weeks I can move my work into the shed and finish it inside. Im thinking by end of december ill be ready to make syrup. We like to put the syrup on the pancakes pretty thick and im thinking that isnt going to be a problem any more. Theron

11-18-2007, 05:51 PM
Nice one brandon. What did it weigh, or do weigh them?

11-18-2007, 07:55 PM
I deboned this one out in the woods and backpacked out all the meat as I was about 1.5 miles from the car. The 8 point I killed 2 years ago dressed 176 without any organs and I would guess this one was somewhere in that range, maybe a little less.

VA maple guy
11-18-2007, 08:55 PM
Hay Brandon I'm curious, what is the elevation of the area you hunt.
I bow hunt in Highland County Virginia. This year we had almost no acorns at all from 3500 ft to the valley below. Above that there were more than plenty. I talked to some of the locals in Monterey VA, they
told me they had a late spring freeze that killed most the acorn buds
at the lower elevation, and that the higher oaks were not affected because
there buds had not yet opened. I'm wondering if your area may have
had the same freeze. Good luck with the rifle hunt.

11-19-2007, 07:34 PM
Nice, hope you do as well in firearm season,Brandon.

Matt, did a cost analysis and the easement cost are to great to run a line from Buxton to Mcfalls. LOL. Lou

11-19-2007, 07:40 PM
Got back from Ohio yersterday. Families doing ok out there in the flatlands. Got another vacuum pump before I left, so I'll have over 1,500 taps on vacuum next year. With the other taps on gravity and buckets, I'm hoping for a 1,000 gal season next year. Bottled syrup today, which I will deliver tomorrow. Picked up another eatery also today. Sales are still strong, so I still do not have to get a "real" job yet. Hope everyone gains a couple pounds this week. And the Cleveland Browns won again!!!!!

11-20-2007, 02:16 AM
This fool is still up. We're at 81 degrees and climbing steady on the classic outdoor wood boiler. I am like a 5 year old at christmas. Got all the final connections done and double checked, filled her up, and wired it and fired it. Getting warm quickly now the fire is going.

Firing that sucker is reminding me of firing willy. Just keep baling the wood to it for now to get to temp. THen I can go to bed.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-20-2007, 07:04 AM
So wuz her name? Big Bertha the ?? or what

11-20-2007, 07:40 AM
Matt, did you already have the lines in the ground when you bought your furnace?

11-20-2007, 11:05 AM
Haven't come up with a good name yet. I'll have to have a meeting tonight and see what I can conjur up.

11-20-2007, 06:42 PM
I visited Jim and Chase last night ( Father and Son) Jim had some more fittings that he picked up for me and I wanted to see their new evaporator. I was very impressed with a lot of the features of the cross flow 2 x 8. This is a outstanding looking rig for a used (almost new evaporator). Jim has some features that he will improve on and have this ready to go for 2008. (Thought I heard him say something about more taps, Ah, maybe it was just the wind in the maples;) This is a right sized evaporator for several hundred or more taps and is real easy on the eyes too. I like the deeper pans to avoid any foam or boil over. If you havent notice this team they are making some of the best syrup and maple products in Crawford County PA!

I did get 35 of the loops ready for adjusting the tubing on the road side gravity systems. All the drops are built and I just need to get some more totes and some more tubing for the lines.

Wishing all traders and guests the happiest Thanksgiving ever! Thanks to the the Maple Guys for letting us play on their playground!

The Casbohm family

Father & Son
11-20-2007, 10:22 PM
Thanks for the kind words Chris! If it weren't for you and your knowledge we would still be chasing our tails. You especially and the traders that are willing to share their experiences have made this learning curve enjoyable. I have met alot of people from different walks of life and I feel that sugarmakers are the most kind and friendly of them all.
A wish to all the traders and their families for and wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!


11-21-2007, 12:38 PM

I hunt usually around 2,000 to 2,600 in elevation and there are no acorns anywhere. I am not complaining because I did kill a great buck, but this has been the toughest year of hunting I have ever seen and I have hunted harder than any year in recent memory. It is tough to even see deer, let alone bucks. They are just not moving and everyone else is saying the same thing. I saw a small buck Monday and Tues and a couple of does, but that was it from hunting daylight to dark. It was so warm here thru the end of October, the rut never really even happened. They will breed the does when the come in if they get up enough and move to find them, but that is it.

11-21-2007, 07:17 PM
I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thankgiving. Lou

11-21-2007, 09:16 PM
Happy Thanksgiving to all !!!

Ed K
11-21-2007, 09:29 PM
Actually got out to the sugar bush and killed a w/pine today.Last one in the middle,now to find time to work on the edges.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Russell Lampron
11-22-2007, 05:45 AM
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Ed K I hope you are planning to cremate that white pine.


11-22-2007, 08:16 AM
Happy Thanksgiving everybody and especially the soldiers past and present for giving us the freedoms to celebrate such a wonderful day.

11-22-2007, 09:20 PM
If anyone is interested, the military set up a website to try to get as many people as possible to go online and send a message and note of thanks to our troops or sent a text message which I did. The text message # is 89279 and the website is www.americasupportsyou.mil. It will all be rolled up and the messages sent to our troops that are serving. If you don't get to it today, do it tommorrow. Everyone has 5 minutes they can spare for something like this.

Please get this to as many people as possible, so far they are up to 124,000+ and we can do a lot better than that considering we may have a muslim for president this time next year that won't salute the flag or say the pledge of allegience.

11-23-2007, 06:06 AM
Please get this to as many people as possible, so far they are up to 124,000+ and we can do a lot better than that considering we may have a muslim for president this time next year that won't salute the flag or say the pledge of allegience.
So WESTVIRGINIAMAPLER is what you are saying lets thank the troops for giving us these freedoms but only to people who conform to what you think is correct?

Grade "A"
11-23-2007, 06:38 AM
I'm am sure that WESTVIRGINIAMAPLER is concerned about who is going to be our next President because He lives in the USA. I am not sure why it makes you so upset since you live in Canada.

11-23-2007, 07:59 AM
It is pretty easy to see where socialism takes you.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-23-2007, 08:48 AM
I don't know who is going to win the presidency next year? although my wife got a call the other week about putting a Hillary Cliton sign on my lawn and she said sure come right on over and put one in/Not sure if i gotta make up my own sign and have it say "Scr>w hillary-bill did" Vote for the governor or write in who?

Problem is they need to do away with the political parties and then the'll work together as a team and not as opponets to stop sending the tax money we pay the IRS to other countries for free.

I herby announce that i'm running for Presidency of the United States Of America and my promise to you will be we'll worry about the american people first and let the dumb A$$es blow themselves up if they want to by not being the world police anymore. Get the system riders off the next train stop in Late Jan, 2008 and Fix the social Security system where if you pay in X amount of dollars you get X back. Not work for 2 years and then get on the train for the rest of your life-

Thanks and i appreciate your vote come election time!
"The Governor"
Kevin P. Sargent
Newport, N.H.

11-23-2007, 09:46 AM
I thought this was a sugaring forum, not a political forum

11-23-2007, 10:28 AM
I agree with chipa

One of the things I like about mapletrader is that 99.9 % of the post are civil and informative...some of the heavy equipment and other forums I sometimes frequent are a lot less so...


p.s. and a point of correction - Brandon- if your speaking of Barack Obama, he is a member of the United Church of Christ


11-23-2007, 11:35 AM
He recently joined to make himself look good and he is truly a muslim and was raised that way even though he may not practice it at this time. One thing for sure, he won't salute the american flag and refuses to say the pledge of allegiance, just what we need for our president and probably what we deserve. We will go out of our way to make accomadations for a muslim in the workplace, schools, etc but you even mention the name God or prayer to God and you are in big trouble.

I didn't mean to hijack this thread and get into polotics, just encouraging others to send thank you's to our troops while we still have that freedom for who knows how much longer. We wouldn't be doing what we do now without their sacrifice.

PS, just like Obama joined a church, Hillary is trying to make out like she is PROHUNTING and many people with the big "S" signs on their back will jump on that ban wagon. I agree, we need to do away with politics and work together to make things better.

11-23-2007, 11:38 AM
Please get this to as many people as possible, so far they are up to 124,000+ and we can do a lot better than that considering we may have a muslim for president this time next year that won't salute the flag or say the pledge of allegience.
So WESTVIRGINIAMAPLER is what you are saying lets thank the troops for giving us these freedoms but only to people who conform to what you think is correct?

Canadians are interested in who will be the next U.S. president as your foreign policies affect our lives since we are sister nations. More than 50 of our men and women have returned home from Afghanistan in a body bag thanks to G.W. Bush.

WESTVIRGINIAMAPLER - Don't make this personal. We're here because of what we have in common and not to dispute our differences.

11-23-2007, 12:01 PM
Enough already

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-23-2007, 12:27 PM
Sorry for disturbing this thread. But you know us political guys/Gotta get a Jab in when we can. I should have put my 2 cents in the "sugar inn" section at the top of the thread column page.

See ya at the polls come election time.

11-23-2007, 04:17 PM
Gonna change the subject guys. Ive been working on my new tubing system night and day for about the last 3 months. Now Im just learning so Im not as fast as some but today I finished all my drops. It took me all afternoon to count them. Here goes, Taps- 23 reds, 1149 sugar, Total-1172 taps. I found that I missed 23 on laterals that were run so I can have 1200 if I want them. 242 laterals averaging 5 taps per lat. Two lats over 10 they were both 11. All main line oversized for the taps on them. Everything but about 12 run down hill. All ive got left is some main line fittings and the saddles.I think it looks darn good for not knowing what Im doing and Im real happy with it. Think thatll run enough sap to sweeten the pans on my 3 by 10? Theron

11-23-2007, 04:26 PM

You forgot to mention your vacuum pump, My prediction is if you can get that pump up to 25+ inches those 1200 taps will take 2 days to sweeten the pans. Ooops I missed a decimal point, .00002 days, or about 2 tenths of a minute of sap running.

Get your waders out of the shed and your swimmies on.

I think this might be the makings for another mastercard "priceless" commercial.

11-23-2007, 04:29 PM
Maybe Ill get lucky and itll be a bad year. Theron

11-23-2007, 04:37 PM
a tah tah tah, susshhh. Don't say that. Say you'll boil night and day to make it all happen.

Russell Lampron
11-23-2007, 05:26 PM
Bad Year? We've had 3 of those in a row. It's time for a good one. Theron with that many taps and that vacuum pump you've got even a bad run will sweeten the pans. Good luck trying to keep up.


11-23-2007, 05:30 PM
Theron, Bit your tongue!!! I want to get a call from you at midnight crying "Richard HELP my tanks are running over I can't boil fast enough I got to go to work. WHAT am I going to do!!!!!!!

11-23-2007, 05:40 PM
Richard- Im not declaring defeat. Its gonna be easy its just going to run right into the shack and all Ive got to do is just boil, eat a little maple candy, drink a little coffee. The only bad thing is if your lights go out it might be a couple days before I can get around and get over to the substation. It could get a little dark up there at sugarmasters house. Theron

super sappy
11-23-2007, 05:41 PM
I just traded goat sitting services for about 150-200 virgin south facing taps 500 yards behind my sugarhouse. The property is for sale. the goat is a stinky mean F*$@-R about 100 lbs. The deal is I can tap but if the property sells all deals are off and I still have to take care of this old smelly bastard until April /08. What do you guys think - Tubing-buckets-????? These trees are close so I want to tap,em then the future but log value will be gone. The future owners will most likely move in" North East Camels" like everyone else around here with 5 Acres. (Not much of a neck roast on those things) We do have two black bear cubs lurking around here this fall witch is uncommon for our area. super sappy

11-23-2007, 06:09 PM
How many of those 3 x 10's do you have?;)
Good luck, We may not hear much from you during a good run!
Others in our area are going to be picking up more taps and doing some road side tapping, Jake (Tappin and Sappin) was over and we jawed about tubing, (I told him all I know in about two minutes). He has some good trees that he will add to his growing sugar bush.
I canned a gallon of goldenrod honey while we visited, in the cold sugarhouse. We sweetened some hot tea to keep us thawed out.

Looking forward to first day of rifle. Bought the grandson and myself some new boots, with money from the syrup and honey that I sold today.

Leftovers from Thanksgiving were great for lunch. The wood furnace is blasting out BTUs from that old maple tree I split last year. We have about 6 inches of new snow today.


11-23-2007, 06:30 PM
Chris- I only have one. Once I got started on the taps I couldnt quit. I ran out of spouts today and was still looking at trees that really needed to be tapped. I started stringing tube across the yard and then my wife drew the line. I dont know what to do with her. You better get your guns sighted in mondays go time. Gonna let the grandson dish out a little payback? Im surprised about that snow we dont really have any here but its pretty cold. Sounds like everyones adding taps this year. Be fun to see what happens hopefully everyone will have a bumper year. Maybe with all those taps Ill only have to boil one run. Thatll be more than I usually make in a year. My boys will be putting it on the panckes thick this year. Theron

H. Walker
11-23-2007, 09:09 PM
Super Sappy

Why don't you buy that land that's so close with the 200 taps? Then you could put your pipeline up and never worry about who is moving in.

Dave Y
11-24-2007, 07:01 AM
SS, I agree with H.Walker. Buy the land and eat that goat. Then your worries will be over. Theron, With that many taps you will be swimming in sap. Am I following you correctly you dont have your saddles on?! I am installing mine as I go. that way I dont have to go back.

11-24-2007, 11:54 AM
Dave - Thats basically it is the saddles. Ill be done with the main line fittings right after lunch and then all I have to do is put in the saddles and the short piece of line and Im done. I kind of like to do one thing at a time and then go back but its all right behind the house. Im hoping I have a lot of sap. Ive never run more than about 170 taps on gravity. Kind of stepped up the pace this year.

11-24-2007, 04:36 PM
well havent got the line up yet but have been eating on deer for the last 3 days im sick of it. i have a question for you guys does this picture refer to G.H.Grimm company it says montreal but g.h.grimm http://www.sciencetech.technomuses.ca/francais/about/images/L11970b.JPG was from ohio

Fred Henderson
11-24-2007, 05:11 PM
No it does not. GH Grimm is a US affilate of Leader evap. GH grimm actually worked for Vermont evap which was located in Ogdensburg NY. They were then bought out by Leader and GH Grimm took his ideas and made his own evap until he signed on with Leader. That is the story as I know it.

super sappy
11-24-2007, 05:36 PM
They are asking $45-50 000 for the land. The land also will not meet my line there is a 50 yard rite of way that I cannot cross. Massey Jack and I walked the spot tonight . He seems to think that I over estimated the # of taps. His # was 75-100 or include another landowner for more taps. Maybe Ill just eat the goat blame it on the bears and tap the trees that are easy to reach with buckets. I need to sleep on it. I have not done that in 3 or 4 days with this stinking chest cold that wont let go. SUPER SAPPY

11-24-2007, 05:55 PM
Just got back from western ny. Came back with two vacuum pumps. One I got on e-bay and one from welchs maple. So I'm set for pumps for awhile. Saw a deer near Buffalo on the side of the road minus the head. Looked like it was in the movie highlander, nice clean cut at the neck. I'm guessing it had a nice rack.

11-24-2007, 06:12 PM
Maplekid,G.H.Grimm started in Ohio,then to Rutland,VT,also had manufactoring facilities in Quebec.Maroney who started VT.evaporator worked for Grimm and left to start his own co.I'll sell you the float for $10.00 plus shipping,but it won't do you much good without a regulator.

11-24-2007, 06:22 PM
thank you for your explanations on it.nhmaple does it come with box or is it just the floatand regulator arm or just the float.i had a pan given to me that i am going to use for small runs and i was going to put a float on it

11-24-2007, 07:06 PM
Maplekid- I have a couple of floats-regulators- boxes ect. kicking around,,what are you trying to build?,,

11-24-2007, 08:11 PM
i was going to put a float box on the pan i was given. im going to put partitions in it one down the middle and one across so it has a sorta finishing pan. and put valves so it can be continuous withuot doing the batch method

11-24-2007, 08:19 PM

Worst case is you have way too much sap. Give Richard a shout and sell some sap. Few extra thousand gallon of sap sold will sure add some extra $$$ towards paying back the equipment or an RO. Might want to have a couple of buyers in the wings in the event you need them.

11-24-2007, 08:24 PM
Maple kid- send me you adress via a P.M. ,,if you want to cover the postage Ill send you a box of stuff,,,to bad you did not live closer,,I have some evaporators you would like for cheap,,,

11-25-2007, 05:22 AM
Brandon- Your probly right. I have a guy about 3 miles from me that wants sap and would take all I want to sell I think, Ill talk to him. I am kind of hoping I can boil it all. Id like to make a bunch of syrup but maybe Im over my head. Everyones saying I should have a lot of sap but keep in mind Ive basically had no experiance running tube before and it might not work as good as we think. Ive never even been around a vac pump other than checking out Richards stuff so dont get the standards too high for me. Well see what happens, seems to me that too much sap is a pretty good problem to have. Usually it seems like its never gonna run. I do think that somethings gotta happen with that many holes but well see. If I end up not getting diddly for sap I dont want you guys picking on me. Theron

11-25-2007, 02:15 PM
Too much sap is a good problem if you can sell it. In my case, no one in this area buys sap, so I would have to dump it or give it away and I probably couldn't even find someone to give it too. Good way to make some extra $$$ in the meantime and have all the sap you want too.

11-25-2007, 05:48 PM
Brandon- Asked a neighbor about tapping some roadside trees below the house she said have at it they love maple syrup. Theres about 200 good taps there and Ive got permission to tap 250 more thatll go on my pump thats 450 more. Think I ought to hold off a little bit or put em on? Dont they say that a wood fired evaperator just keeps running better and better the longer it runs. That 3 by 10 ought to be running real good by April after running a month continuously wouldnt you think?

11-25-2007, 06:35 PM
PA -

That would bring you up to 1600 +/- with vacuum on a 3x10 with no RO? Hope you have alot of vacation days saved up and alot of dry wood!

11-25-2007, 06:42 PM
The way you will have that thing running, those bricks will still be hot in July.

11-25-2007, 06:50 PM
Not doin it, no more taps. done

Breezy Lane Sugarworks
11-25-2007, 07:08 PM
You'll regret it and wish you had tapped 'em. Especially not having to truck any of it...just add it to your existing vacuum set-up. Just my thought.

11-25-2007, 07:49 PM
Ryan, I know what your saying but im not really set up to boil that kind of sap yet. Im going to have to stick with what ive got for now untill im set up better. Ive basically already put more taps out than I can handle. Ill just give the people syrup just for telling me I can tap and wait and do it when I can handle it. There not going anywhere. Im already starting to have panic attacks everytime I walk up into my woods and see what ive done now. Everything in time. Ill just try to do everything right as I go and try to make the most of every tap. I started this year with nothing and ill have a real nice shack, 1200 taps on good vac with a good tubing system and hopefully a nice setup to boil. Thats all I can handle for one year. Theron

VA maple guy
11-25-2007, 08:34 PM
Hay Jim, I just took a look at the pictures of the 2x6, they will definitely
be a great help on reinstalling the bricks. Sandra and I spent the day
checking out the sights and local flavors in your area. Were in Pittsburgh tonight and will make it home tomorrow.
Thanks again Gerry

11-25-2007, 08:43 PM

Whoa horse! Stick with what you have for now. With a new rig and everything else new, there will be bugs to work out and little problems along the way. I handle 500 taps with a 2x8 and you should be able to double my gph rate with a 3x10, so 1200 is doable. I boiled almost 5,000 gallon of sap with my 2x8 in 2007. Make sure you have plenty of wood, like 15 to 20 cords and really good dry, seasoned quality wood.

11-25-2007, 08:55 PM
Dont worry Brandon Im all done. Ill be darn lucky to get take care of what im already doing. Maybe sometime down the road. I make the most of those 1200 taps Ill have all the syrup I want to deal with. 1200 taps is one whale of a lot of blue. Im looking foreward to seeing what comes out of that pipe in a days time. When I bought that 3 by 10 I was thinking I was only going to put out 600 gravity but I found I really liked stringin tube. Fun as heck but im glad its over Im just about shot. Stuff really looks nice in the woods when its new like that. My woods is as clean as it comes and Im already finding branches on it. Guess its like a new car dont take long and its a used one. Theron

11-26-2007, 08:55 AM
as i was riding to north carolinia last week i was doing your math at 1000 taps i figured on a good run 2000 gallons of sap divided by 80 your gph of your rig equals 26 hours to boil. then add the loss of sugar content due to vac at 50 to one you sould plan on 40 gallons a day of finished product. now new numbers. 2400 gallons of sap is 30 hours of boiling and 48 gallons of finished product. when i was at that stage back in the 80,s i hired a boiler and we worked 12 hour shifts. when we got over run we shut the vac off till we got caught up. that was with a 4x12 that did 180 gph with 2500 taps

11-26-2007, 09:38 AM
I hear there paying $2.98 a lb for bulk!!!! Any one else hear this!!!!!!

11-26-2007, 03:04 PM

So your saying he's got a little room left for some more taps? Kidding...

Go get em Theron, you'll be in the sap for sure.

11-26-2007, 04:54 PM
Jeff- So your saying the sap getting part of my plan is pretty good but I need to work on the boiling part? I know your thinking ro but they're so expensive. Youve got attorney costs, child support, wage garnishment. You know how much thats gonna cost me? My wifes mean, she didnt like me much before I started buying this stuff. Im going to come home one of these days and there'll be a logtruck pulling out of the driveway with the last load of my sugarmaples. Thats gonna be irritating. Theron

11-26-2007, 07:48 PM
Got both vacuum pumps cleaned up yesterday and one running. Held a nice 19" on just above idle on my 5.5 honda. Now to get another releaser. That's not till next year, I already spent enough in 2007. Finished stacking my wood yesterday also. Bottled a canner of dark today to deliver tomorrow.

andrew martin
11-26-2007, 08:54 PM
Well, hunting season is over and I am eagerly shifting gears to suagring season. The wood is cut and I just need to put a few touches on the sugarhouse. Our season is only seven weeks away, and it seems like I have so much to do still. We are expanding this year to about 350 taps, and I am going to install some tubing in the suagrbush to reduce my collection times. We have the potential to do about 600 taps, but I just don't have the time to devote to this as I would like, especially not with a 3 year old, a 16 month old and another child due in June. Hope all is well with everyone else. I am just hoping it gets cold soon down here.


11-27-2007, 03:31 AM
Mike, I had heard the same thing. Makes me really wish I could afford to holdon to some of my syrup thorughout the year. I talk with one producer that just finished selling all there syrup from last season. All retail. Which you can make much more money at. But oh well. Maybe this year will be a bummper crop for most people and prices will be up.

11-27-2007, 07:10 AM
Anyone look into organic cert. The bascoms flier got me snooping around for Maine and there is one section that talks about vacuum.

We can't have more then 20" at the pump, and 15" at the tap hole. Anyone else have this going on in their state regs?

Now the rules were written like this, 20lbs and 15lbs, since we are talking vacuum and should be measured in inches of mercury is this a typo I could run with? Or put a torque wrench on the vacuum pump and tell them to let me know how many ft lbs I am running at.

Then we can't tap anything less than 10", ok, but 1 tap for a 10-12" tree. Then every 6" in diameter more you can only have 1 tap. Seems a bit like over tapping to me if you got a 20 inch tree with 3 taps?

New Hope Mapleman
11-27-2007, 04:42 PM
Check to see it may be that your state is using pressure for the figure. There is a conversion as pressure relates to vacuum. I thought the same thing the first time I saw it written.

WHO is buying syrup for $2.98 lb. I have some to sell at that rate!!

11-27-2007, 05:04 PM
Did you get bascoms flier?

He said he's "sticking his neck out" but .30/lb increase across the board and .20/lb premium for orgainic syrup.

11-27-2007, 07:05 PM
Read Bruce's corner and it spelled it out well. Looks like we will have to make more syrup and more money. I could use it to get some equipment.

Dave Y
11-27-2007, 07:50 PM
I heard that last month at the pa maple tour from to different people. They said light would be 3.00 and B would be 2.65. Now is the time to expand

11-27-2007, 08:00 PM
What is the weight of syrup per gallon, 11.3 lbs?? I never keep up with the exact weight as I only retail all my syrup in quarts and pints.

11-28-2007, 03:33 AM
Yeah 11.3 is about right I am sure there are more numbers (11.362453) ect.So we stick with 11lbs to the gal. and it works for us. As far as vermont regs and organic I am not sure but I don't belive its that strict. I know of a producer that just went organic last year. And I know his setup is not like that as far as tree size and taps. But like I said I am not sure on the whole regs. We are still deciding if its worth it or not.

11-28-2007, 04:59 AM
Arnt there a couple of diffrent oganizations that can certify you organic and they all have diffrent rules?? I know 1 outfit that is certified and the pull 22-23"of vac,,,

11-28-2007, 06:47 AM
I don't think I'd get much more $$ per pint or quart, so really it would come down to the bulk price, and I would have to sell 100 gallons in bulk that would just about cover the fees to be organic, and that would be if it really was .20 per pound.

Maine law stated that if you don't sell more than 5000 dollars worth of product you don't have to be certified and can call your product organic, but if you are selling to someone that in turn reprocess and will use organic in the name you have to be certified.

11-28-2007, 07:27 AM
some where it the rules it must say first and last born, all your money, and keys to your home to be organic. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-28-2007, 08:10 AM
Bruce may be right and it may be time to expand. He has to be right some year because he's been saying it every year for as long as I can remember. I'm looking at the 1996 Bascom catalog and the last line of Bruce's corner is "We encourage increased production."

You can't blame him for trying get your juices flowing. That is what he is in business for, but I wouldn't mortgage the farm based on his say so.

11-28-2007, 08:21 AM
3 weeks ago i bought light amber for 2.50 a lb., today the price is 3.00


11-28-2007, 07:31 PM
With prices the way they are now for bulk if it runs in January I'm tapping! Hooked the two sides of the road together today. Got my first real sapladder made today. I'm almost done with my new big bush. A bit more up top and then more 5/16 on the flat. I'm aiming to be done by next week.

11-28-2007, 08:04 PM
Same here Van, I plan on being ready for the early run. No matter what, I think the prices will be up due to low supply and high demand. So organic or not some producers should be able to have a little pocket change at the end of the season. Or at least alot of nice and shinny new equipment.

11-28-2007, 09:02 PM
Matt on the Maine organic rules you would probably best asking who ever is in charge on the day you call as to requirements. I have heard some say it is a peice of cake barely an issue at all to get certified. Others I know have heard from went thru hell to get certified. Years ago one early certified organic farmer (not Maple) said "they have a committee and they don't really appreciate any nearby competition". AS you might guess I'm not a big supporter of cert. organic. Good Luck to any who choose to go that route though.

Over that past few years I have bought several drums of certified Organic syrup at no premium what so ever.

11-29-2007, 07:12 AM
The price of syrup still has not kept up with the price of what equipment has gone up.

11-29-2007, 09:08 AM
matt, if you contact the organic organization in maine. it is nofa here in vermont. nofa has been very helpful to me. i cannot get cert. until june 09 because i sprayed for the forest tent caterpillers. the only thing i do not like about organic is the defomer. you have to use canolia oil or something like that. and it takes a lot and tends to taint the flaver of the syrup. my hope is something different will be available before then . nofa is looking into now. as for the vac issue. tone it down for inspection. the size tree issue im sure they will work with you. got two togather, tap one one year the other the next. this is sounding like the out door boiler issue. i have mine you cant have yours.

11-29-2007, 04:10 PM
I'll have to make some calls and let you know what I find out.

11-29-2007, 05:38 PM
If you guys tap to get the early run are you concerned about the holes drying up to early? I always kind of have trouble deciding when to tap. Theron

11-29-2007, 06:22 PM
Theron- if you use clean spiles and keep your vacuum pulling 22+" at all times it above freezing its not as much of an issue,,should be able to get a strong 6 weeks,,,I would not tap in junuary,,,,,, unless I was going to re-tap in march,,,hmmm logging kinda sucks at the moment,,,it has been good sugaring weather the last week,,,,,,,gotta get an R.O. one of these days

11-30-2007, 06:04 PM
Hung more mainline today. I've gotten all of it up in the valley. Next up the rest of the 5/16. I've tapped in January a couple of times and have always made out well. I do ream the holes at least once. Last year I retapped one bush, first time ever, but I went from Jan. 5 to april 24 on those trees. Sap was flowing today, at least out of some broken twigs.

11-30-2007, 07:41 PM
got woods surveyed, started putting up mainline today wind is cold and snowy.