View Full Version : How long for to wash cycle?

03-30-2019, 07:44 PM
My RO has no safety of any sort. I always stay close by to Lee an eye on things but the first wash I did with it took forever to raise in temp. I gave up and shut it down when it hit about 90ish.
How long do most of your ro' s run till they hit 110 degrees or so?
Mine's a single 4x40.
Does anyone heat it up prior or add hot water while it's going?

03-30-2019, 08:15 PM
I heat my wash water up to 110* and run the wash for 10 minutes. It drops about 10* in that time but I have had good results with this method.

03-31-2019, 01:28 AM
I also have a Deer Run and the directions say to heat the water first. I could see how that would take a while otherwise. The actual wash cycle is 10 minutes.

maple flats
03-31-2019, 05:09 AM
I also heat it to 105-110 then start the wash cycle. I also run the permeate portion during the wash cycle back thru my tankless water heater, I let it heat until the temp, during the wash gets to 110. As it goes thru the membrane all of the cold in the membrane goes back into the wash tank.
I do not think the pump used on a Deer Run RO will heat the water very much. That practice is reserved to ROs with a higher operating pressure. Under 300 PSI would take far to long to get to 110 F just by operating the pump. A pump that generates much more pressure heats it much faster according to what I've read. My only experience is with a Deer Run RO.

03-31-2019, 06:22 AM
Makes a lot more sense. I'll give it a try this afternoon. Last time I let it wash for a better portion of the day. Maybe 5 - 6 hrs. It did heat but not much.
Assuming acid wash is the same right?