View Full Version : Question about first RO build

03-29-2019, 06:27 PM
I have a very simple unit that I built on the cheap that appears to work well but I have a question before processing sap... When I release pressure my water gets very "cloudy". It seems to clear up on its own soon after. Just dissolved air?? Pics attached. Thanks!198801988119882

03-29-2019, 07:16 PM
I’ve noticed the same phenomenon and I agree that’s its probably dissolved air.

03-29-2019, 08:30 PM
Great to hear, thanks. Boiling down the first test back now and the test permeate evaporated completely which is a good sign that I'm not pushing sugar. Thanks to everyone on this forum for all their research which made this process go easy.

04-15-2019, 03:28 PM
Another question for everyone. Now that my prototype has proved it's worth I'm going to work on upgrading for next year. One thing I want to add is a low pressure cut off switch. I cannot find one that is simply low pressure without also having a high pressure cut off (common for most well pumps/tanks). Any suggestions? I could use a float switch but really like the idea of low pressure shut off. Thanks again.

04-17-2019, 07:04 AM
The RO bucket guys have them. Cuts out at about 10psi on your concentrate line. His contact info is below....Thanks, Bill
Carl Nylen <nylen@oswego.edu