View Full Version : Deer Run 125 expandible exploded

03-25-2019, 08:48 PM
This is our second season with this unit and I THINK I know what happened,...……….. but it was really scary.

Was looping/circulating sap to run the % up in a 250 gallon tote in the Sugar Shack.

We had used this tote for 2 days but never drew it down totally.

I was trying to suck it dry, pumping into the head tank, and it started to pull air before it was dry so I stopped the RO.

I tipped the tank forward and started the RO,...………………..and KA-BOOM! The top of the filter canister blew out/off!

Sap shot and the unit shut off.

MY GUESS was that there must have been some serious solids in that bottom that had settled and it hit the membrane so fast the high limit switch (set at 295 PSI) couldn't react in time and ker-pow.

Bent the stainless bolts as well tweeked the flange on the canister.

Made the necessary repairs and went back at it with a nice warm soap wash, and long rinse.

Anyone else have this happen?

03-25-2019, 08:49 PM
Oh,...……….. sorry this is the old PeteS and changed my account due to technical difficulties.

maple flats
03-26-2019, 07:49 AM
My guess is that the top clamp was either not tight enough or somehow compromised. I never had that happen. As long as no one got hurt, things can be fixed.

03-28-2019, 09:14 AM
I expanded my deer run 125 hobby between last year and this year. I added another membrane and switched from gas to electric with a 330 procon. I used a Wayne 1 hp feed pump. What I did not do was replace the 21/2"x10" sediment filter. During our very first run this season, I had already run 600 gallons of sap through and was running it through again -About finished when the bottom clamp on the second membrane popped. The sediment filter gave out and sucked into the pump. When the cap popped off it broke the permeate tube off my BRAND new membrane, and the procon sounded like it was pumping gravel.

I ordered a new pump- $132 + $70 2nd day shipping- took 6 days to get here, new membrane(Dow XLE) $272 Amazon New 4 1/2"x20" filter $66 and 10 elements $99.

$639 and a few sleepless nights.

My bolts weren't bent, but the clamps were distorted a bit, I put them in the vise and straightened them out a little. Torqued them back on and never ran about 225 psi for the rest of the season. I will get a rebuild kit for the procon, hopefully I can salvage it and have a spare. I am also adding hi and low presure shut off during this off season.

I was fortunate that we froze up for a week after the RO blew and didn't have any wasted sap- My Evap does 20 gph and we were averaging 600 gallon of sap per run- I would have run out of wood boiling raw sap.