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View Full Version : Laporte hobby releaser

03-21-2019, 02:01 PM
My hobby releaser won’t trip and keeps filling my moisture trap... thinking when I cleaned it I put it back together wrong... anyone have any pics of the float assembly?

03-21-2019, 02:50 PM
Did you align the arrows on the lid ? If not lined up the float will catch on the dump valve. Had that happen.
Little squirt of Lapierre oil on the float rod never hurts.
The little white hose in the proper hole by the vac inlet.
Maybe the float adjustment screw is missing or loose. It’s on the rod in the releaser. Little round thing
Your flap valve from the manifold to the releaser might be stuck.

Will the releaser dump if you pull up the rod manually. ?
The plunger inside the valve that the little white hose comes out of might be gummed up.
Don’t know for sure but a touch of white food grade grease wouldn’t hurt there either.

They are a pretty simple device. More then likely something just needs s bit of lube.

western mainer
03-21-2019, 02:59 PM
Ok, if yours have a block where the float rod is with 2 small plastic lines coming out of it the top line go's to the end of the spool and the other one go's to the small adjustable 1" block on the releaser. Also the spool my be sticking.

03-21-2019, 09:56 PM
Got it figured guys... there is a small white plastic tube that the float rod slides in and it came loose and fell down to the float