View Full Version : Sap cloudy after using RO - Can the sap stilled be used?

03-21-2019, 12:12 PM
I put 30 gallons of sap through my homemade RO. I was running the concentrate through it a second time and saw it was cloudy. The temp through the previous night was low 30's and during the second time it was at 35 so I do not think it was spoiled.
Having read about cleaning, I read some where that if it becomes cloudy, you need to clean it longer. So far I have just run permeate through it after using it, not tried soap yet. But in the mean time...

Provided it is not spoiled - how do you tell? - can it be used?


03-21-2019, 12:42 PM
Taste it. If it tastes OK, it'll likely still be OK. If you're not sure, put a quart in a pot and boil it on the stove. After it's reduced by half or more, smell the steam (carefully), get a spoonful (let it cool) and taste it.

Russell Lampron
03-21-2019, 07:56 PM
Concentrate will have a slight greenish color to it and will appear a bit cloudy. Like Dr Tim said taste it and if it taste okay boil some and taste it again. From my experiences with it I think your concentrate is good.

03-21-2019, 11:22 PM
Tastes great, Thanks for the guidance.