View Full Version : Cdl 250

03-21-2019, 09:22 AM
Few questions for guys with a cdl 250... how much soap do you add to 5 gals of water, what temp do you heat water to before running wash and how long do you run wash for? I’m about to rinse and wash mine to remove the preservative... any helpful info is welcome.. thanks

03-21-2019, 01:21 PM
When I had mine I would boil clean water on the wood stove to warm to the touch. Add around 2.5 table spoons heaped of soap. Check the Ph to be around 11 or 12. Rec back to the bucket check the Ph in 5-10 min may have to add another spoon. Run till the machine shuts off. I think it was in the high 70's the shut off. Then I would rinse with 400 gallons of clean water. I had a double 4" membrane.

03-21-2019, 01:55 PM
So what temp do I warm water to... some people say around 29 degrees Celsius..that sound right? Then just let machine run until it quits..how long does that usually take?

03-22-2019, 06:07 PM
Check for my past posts on here. We ran a CDL 250 since 2014. We have stepped up to a CDL 600.

After each use we CHANGED THE FILTER then ran about 10 minutes or 125 gallons of permeate through the unit as rinse.

I would warm up permeate on a stove to be "warm" (I did not check the temps) and then add the soap. I don't recall the exact amount, but I would seek to get 11-12 on the ph scale.

Once the rinse was done I put all three hoses in the soap bucket with the "warm" solution. It quickly cooled due to temp of the unit and permeate still left in it. I would recheck the ph and adjust because of the added permeate. At various times I would put the concentrate and permeate hoses into warming bucket and heat it back to being "warm." I did this until the unit was showing a temp of 75-80 degrees and let it run for 30 minutes. It was a nice scrub for the membranes.

Then I would run permeate through for a few minutes into the wash bucket and reduce the ph before disposing.

Then the final rinse for another 125-150 gallons or so. Drain and tuck it in for the night.

It's really not that bad of a process, just watch your pressures as described in the manual and enjoy the benefits of a RO.


03-23-2019, 03:57 PM
oh and prior to cleaning I would rinse the sugar out for 5 minutes and add to conc tank. Prior to cleaning. Say for 5 minutes. We would only wash once or twice a week. However we did do a membrane rinse everyday. We double passed all sap thru. Time consuming, but we always tried to get around 6 to 7 brix, before starting to boil. Hence this year we upgraded to a Lapierre 600 and love it no more waiting.

03-24-2019, 05:02 PM
Thanks so much for the info.. extremely helpful for a newbie with ro