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03-18-2019, 08:13 AM
I live 70 miles from my Sugar. Too many years I made wasted trips mid week only to find that the trees didn't run. 70 miles is a huge difference in temperatures in Wisconsin. I came up with this idea last year but didn't utilize until this past weekend. I set my Covert wireless trail cameras where I can monitor 2-3 bags at a time. I couldn't believe how much better the sap level shows at night compared to the day time. I set the cameras to send me a picture every 4 hours or I can trigger remotely if I wish. Does anyone that commutes to the woods monitor some how what's going on?19735 19736

03-18-2019, 08:40 AM
Sorry, Don't know it showed up under tubing systems. LOL

03-18-2019, 09:02 AM
We've used a variety of sensors/cameras over the years. UVM PMRC actually built and tested some of the first wireless monitoring systems several years ago, first working with our Instrumentation Facility folks and then a group of Engineering students doing a senior project. After we started talking about it the maple manufacturers jumped on board and started making them, which is great.

None of us lives onsite at PMRC (it just feels that way sometime), so we currently use H2O Smartrek and Canary cams (web-connected) to let us know how things are going. Smartrek gives us a pretty good indication of vacuum and tank levels in multiple locations, but it is still nice to see things visually. In the RO room we have large vacuum gauges positioned in front of the cameras showing the pumps for the main bush and our research studies, along with air temp outside the sugarhouse, and the RO and releaser are also in the image so we can make sure they are operating properly.

Image below is from sap tank #1 cam in the sugarhouse this morning.


03-18-2019, 09:30 AM
Very nice Tim, I'm not to that level yet. Haha. Mine are all cellular based. No internet in my woods, heck I don't even have electricity.
I like the temperature on them also.

bill m
03-22-2019, 07:54 PM
Dr. Tim
Where did you get the gauge on that tank?