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Made my first candy tonight. Stirred a little to long was hardening coming out of the pan. First lesson learned. Used last years syrup so the candy looked really dark. Boy it tasted good thou. Couldn't keep the family out of it. :D Wife said not to make any more or she'd have to go on a diet.
Those rubber forms sure are nice to work with. Now if I could just get the syrup level in the forms I'd be all set.
Take care
03-17-2004, 08:42 PM
:) Making some right now, it's cooling as we speak, I cool to 180-190, then stir even, usually a minute or so, as soon as the gloss goes away, be careful get ready to pour!!!
I stirred to long!!!!! Boy the family went thru it fast! :D Now the boy wants to take some to school and the wife's mad because she ate so much she'll need more treadmill time. Told her firing an evaporator was the best exercise for a woman's figure ever.!!! :lol: :lol: She didn't fall for it!! :D
Take care
03-18-2004, 09:05 AM
Al....can't blaim a guy for trying right, i've tried that with yard work also but no luck. I ran into the same problem with that *&# @#$ candy setting to fast in the pan. Chipped the second batch out and took it to work for the guys.Ya know it didn't seem to matter to them that it wasn't all pretty out of a mold.
:? Rick
Guys or kids!!! They don't care what it looks like as long as it tastes good.
Going up to a guys sugarhouse this weekend that boils completely with propane. Has a 3500 gallon tank! 8O
Take care
Well did batch number 2. Not enough stiring. Got lolli pop candy. Boy good. :lol: :D :D
Next batch tomorrow will be perfect. :D
03-18-2004, 02:30 PM
was it real hard like lolipops? that may have been heated too hot... funny this candy thing.
03-31-2004, 12:37 PM
Well, I made some candy out of maple syrup that was six years old a couple of weeks ago. When I opened the syrup, it had about an inch thick section of mold/slimely goop on top of it. I threw the goop away and made candy out of the syrup and it turned out good. The syrup did have quite a bit of off flavor to it since it was so old, but made candy and the candy tasted better than the syrup. There was nothing else I could do with it, so I thought I would try.
I have almost always made candy out of the previous year's syrup, so I don't think it has anything to do with the age of the syrup and the 6 year old syrup confirmed that. It must be a northern thing with having problems with older syrup! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Just kidding! :lol: :lol: :lol:
04-01-2004, 09:12 AM
Off-flavor syrup is also good in barbecue sauce. We have nasty-tasting burned stuff from a couple years ago that we have used, and the bad flavor doesn't come through in the sauce.
04-01-2004, 05:08 PM
Great idea, I will have to try that. The off flavored/Grade B and commerical is what they use in Aunt Jemimah's syrup anyway.
I wanted to use the old stuff to see if it would make candy because I have never had any problem with making candy out of old syrup and I had never heard of that before. :?
04-01-2004, 05:28 PM
Old or burnt syrup works well for wine making also.Off flavors must burn off during the proscess.
Not to put too fine a point on it Brandon, but Aunt Jemimah actually has NO maple syrup in it. Log Cabin has about 2%, and it would not surprise me to find out it's Grade B
04-01-2004, 08:08 PM
You are right about Aunt Jemimah, I wasn't sure which one it is. There are actually several brands and generic brands that have some maple in it and I have been told it is commercial or grade B. They state it is 2 % or 4% or ect.
I don't know much and have been wrong before, so I could be wrong about that! :? :?
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