View Full Version : does sap quality or sugar change the longer it runs?

03-15-2019, 06:36 PM
Not sure if right section to ask in, but... I stopped collecting sap when the temps got into the 50s and 60s since they were gonna stay there for almost 3 days, and I also figured things would stop running. Well when I went to make sure one tank was empty of old sap since it's gonna freeze up for a bit again, I noticed the tubing was still running good after being in the 50s and 60s for two and a half days. I should have grabbed a sample to test, but if that is normal for 3/16 to still be running like that, does the quality of the sap coming from the tress change after those temps?

03-15-2019, 07:41 PM
Trees on vacuum, whether natural or mechanical will for several days under the right conditions. I’m sure the flow fluctuated but last year during the first run, I saw sap run for 3 days straight in a 5400 tap bush on mechanical vacuum.