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View Full Version : How long would you leave "sweet" in the pan?

In da bush
03-15-2019, 08:10 AM
First run is done here and I’m going to have to go out of town on business and debating on leaving the sweet in for 10+ days. Yay or finish that syrup?

03-15-2019, 08:13 AM
It depends on the temperature. If it's going to be quite cold (below freezing) for the whole time you're away, it should be fine. If it's going to warm up a few days, I'd finish it off -- otherwise you might return to a goopy mess of ropey syrup and a real job cleaning up and making sure you've got every bit of that out of the system. Alternatively, if somebody can fire up the evaporator long enough to bring it to a boil briefly (5 min) every 2-4 days (depending on temperature), that would maintain it too.

In da bush
03-15-2019, 09:24 AM
Thanks Doc!! I’m gonna finish it off and forgo any messes you speak of.