View Full Version : Flojet RV pump

03-07-2019, 08:42 PM
Been making syrup for just a few years and decided to make some upgrades this year. Getting much more sap. Looking at ways to be more efficient, I came across the RO option. Luckily, since the upgrade budget is already blown, I have an RO set up from my fish tank days.

Also have a new flowjet 2.9gpm, 50psi RV pump. It has a built in pressure switch, so I put a Tee on the line from the pump..,one going to RO, the other back to the sap bucket w an inline valve to put back pressure in the line but keep it from hitting 50psi and shutting off.

Problem is that after 15-20min of running the pump shuts off, and the body is hot. Takes awhile before it will run again. Not sure if it’s meant to run continually. It’s really meant for running faucets, but showers also, which could go long. It draws 7amps at 50psi, so that’s a lot compared to the booster pumps I just looked at.

Wonder if this pump is just a lemon or if I need to expand the budget for a new pump.

maple flats
03-07-2019, 08:48 PM
That pump is made to just build up to 50 PSI and shut off, when the water is running the pressure is much lower. Maybe you can try dropping the pressure to 40 or even 35 to see how it works. Many of the smaller RO, run as low as 30PSI. That will still remove some water, just not as much. Running a pump so it gets hot is not good for the pump.

03-07-2019, 09:06 PM
To keep pressure up I put a Ter between the pump and the filter. The second line out of the Tee goes back into the sap tank and has a valve. W the valve 1/4 open, the pump is just a bit away from shutting off. If I close it any more it will shut off. That’s how I keep the pressure up. No gauge, but I’d guess in the 40psi range.

This gets me a steady trickle out of the clean water line. Just shy of a stream.

The sticker on the pump says 7amps at 50psi. So in an RV situation, one a faucet is open, it’s probably not anywhere near 50psi, and pulling much less amperage.

maple flats
03-08-2019, 06:53 AM
I suggest adding a pressure gauge, Glycerine filled will best show the pressure. On a pump like that the needle would bounce too much to read accurately on a dry gauge. Then try 40 PSI, then 35 if needed and 30 if still needed. Under 30 will likely mean you need a different pump because the performance will likely fall too much. Just remember, any motor that keeps shutting off because it is too hot will not likely last very long.

03-15-2019, 08:30 AM
Is that the Flowjet 707565814874 @$59.95? Maybe next years' upgrade budget could include $100 for a Shurflow and no more 50psi shutdowns.