View Full Version : nitre off flavor

02-27-2019, 07:57 AM
Can someone describe the off flavors from excess nitre buildup in the pan? Taste, smell, smell of steam when finishing etc?


02-27-2019, 08:11 AM
Perhaps someone else has a better way to describe it but to me niter build up gives a burnt smell when boiling, and then the syrup has a similar burnt flavor. The steam starts to look more white and smoke like as well.

02-27-2019, 09:37 AM
Popcorn is a smell that concerns me a bit during boiling. I’m not sure that’s due to niter but I had some of both last year - niter and popcorn smell. Nothing wrong with popcorn but I want more of a maple smell. Others probably know more about this... just my two cents.

02-27-2019, 11:53 AM
Popcorn is a smell that concerns me a bit during boiling. I’m not sure that’s due to niter but I had some of both last year - niter and popcorn smell. Nothing wrong with popcorn but I want more of a maple smell. Others probably know more about this... just my two cents.

Ok thanks for the replies. The last i pulled off doesn't have a burnt flavor, but more a light buddy smell to the steam and kinda chocolatey syrup with a lingering after taste. I can't imagine the sap being buddy yet, but with the crazy up and down winter weather we've had who know. Im dumpin the bulk tank now since the sap is just starting to get a tiny bit cloudy. Sap is running real good today, so I should have a full fresh tank, and then I'll know if i am getting buddy sap already, or i was dealing with spoiling sap.... I hope it's the latter!

buckeye gold
02-27-2019, 12:16 PM
I suspect you may be experiencing some metabolism. I had it last year for a few runs then it went away. It has an off smelling steam and leaves a kind of metalic/choclate after taste. You can resolve it by cooking your syrup to 245 and then bringing back down to proper density with distilled water. Or just use it for glazed nuts, cooking, candy or granulated sugar...all those take the heat high enough to drive off the off flavors. If it's off taste from nitre it will taste bitter/burnt from my experience. A little cloudiness should not taint your syrup unless it is buddy, which could be since your in the southern maple zone.

02-27-2019, 01:02 PM
I suspect you may be experiencing some metabolism. I had it last year for a few runs then it went away. It has an off smelling steam and leaves a kind of metalic/choclate after taste. You can resolve it by cooking your syrup to 245 and then bringing back down to proper density with distilled water. Or just use it for glazed nuts, cooking, candy or granulated sugar...all those take the heat high enough to drive off the off flavors. If it's off taste from nitre it will taste bitter/burnt from my experience. A little cloudiness should not taint your syrup unless it is buddy, which could be since your in the southern maple zone.

Geez I hope it's metabolism! we are kind of in between hardiness zone 4 and 5 because of our elevation here. but this is a record low for snowfall for us despite the cold. It would be a new record to have gone buddy this early here. We've had good short run temps on and off for about 3 weeks though. (the times not running were all too cold, not warm) yet I only tapped most taps about a week and a half ago. Still haven't heard a robin yet either :)

buckeye gold
02-27-2019, 01:13 PM
I didn't realize you were in that zone, yeah I'd bet against buddy too. Either a bit spoiled or metabolism

02-27-2019, 01:51 PM
Sounds like metabolism too. It can happen any time during the season. And being in the south a bit. It might happen more often??

02-27-2019, 01:57 PM
Sounds like metabolism too. It can happen any time during the season. And being in the south a bit. It might happen more often??

does it happen run to run? or bush to bush?

02-27-2019, 02:18 PM
I have never seen and rhyme or reason for when it comes and goes? But had my worst at the end of the season. Sometimes very mild, worst case you couldn't keep it in your mouth! Beautiful light syrup with horrid flavor!:)