View Full Version : Driftless region tapping

Twisted Minds
02-26-2019, 09:44 PM
After missing all of last seasons action due to a slip on the ice and breaking my femur January 2018 and only being able to live vicariously through this site, I'm more than itching to get through with this years cold snaps and heavy snows and get into woods and make some liquid gold. Looks like at least another 2 weeks according to weather forecast, but that doesn't mean can't start dreaming of tapping. Looking forward to reading and following my fellow "God's Country" sappers and their endeavors this year, and seeing when everyone's first taps, first runs, and first boils start. Prepping taps and bags right now, got about 40 taps secured so far, and would like to get another 20-30. Just a hobby, but sure is fun, and I'll tell you from experience, having to sit on the sidelines for a year was torture, so enjoy every year you are able to get out, as Father Time eventually catches up with all of us. Here's to high sugar %'s, stable weather patterns, and long boil days with a few "adult beverages" consumed!

cedar syrups
02-27-2019, 08:52 AM
I like your thought process but looks like it might be late in march to get started got my snowshoes out yesterday

maple flats
02-27-2019, 03:13 PM
I always keep my snowshoes hanging where I can get them if needed, so far this year that has kept deep snow at bay here. Just 30 miles north and it's a much different picture, I think they put their snow shoes away, they now have major snow.

Zucker Lager
02-28-2019, 11:21 AM
Awe common its only up to our waist here in Sugar Camp WI ha ha Jay

Mr Sugar Maple
03-01-2019, 08:55 PM
Hi Twisted, Boy a broken femur ouch. This winters deep snow will give you real a work out, I am down by the west branch of the kickapoo river, and lots of white stuff there also.Yes maple syrup is a lot of work but the experience is worth it. God Bless.

Twisted Minds
03-08-2019, 10:05 PM
Today made up 40 drop lines for one woods, and 24 bags on pvc hangers for a couple other properties in preperaration for tapping tomorrow come hell or high water, or more than likely high snowfall. Whose with me?

Irish Ridge
03-09-2019, 01:50 PM
Started raining at 12:45 pm today. We'll see how the storm plays out down here in Crawford County. I plan on putting in a few sample taps tomorrow before the Badger game. Monday it looks like "game on" for my 2019 season.

03-09-2019, 05:03 PM
As has become my routine, I see what Irish Ridge is doing and then give my north facing sugar bush another week before tapping :-) Feels like it could be a short season. Good luck everyone!

Twisted Minds
03-09-2019, 09:47 PM
Tapped today, 10 bags, and 3 tubing runs totalling 50 taps. Trees were running pretty good, got rained out before could finish. Going to place remaining taps tomorrow, and make first sap collection. Plan on doing first boil likely Monday or Tuesday. In my neck of the woods, season is here.

Twisted Minds
03-19-2019, 06:14 PM
Well, Mother Nature was cruel. Last week just when I thought trees were going to start, had too warm of temps and barely had anything other than rain in bags. Today though, things finally let loose. Bags were filling up fast yesterday out in open fields, and today my lines in the woods were running like a faucet. Finally going to start boiling!

Twisted Minds
03-21-2019, 11:05 PM
Boiled about 40 gallons down to 5 yesterday, working on another 40 now. Really missed that sweet smell and taste of steam rolling across my senses as a good rolling boil releases it's essence. Glad to be back in the
woods and over the fire!

Twisted Minds
04-07-2019, 08:53 PM
So, season is finally over. Not the best ever, not the worst ever. Although didn't have great runs, the sugar contents seemed really high all season long, made about 11 gallons of delicious syrup. Had a great time being back in the woods after a year removed. Already planning for upgrades and additional trees to add for next year. Guess now is time to switch my eyes from looking for maple trees while driving, to looking for dying elm trees . . . . Bring on the morels! See ya next year!

04-07-2019, 10:29 PM
Here's to that Twisted Minds. Well said. See ya in 2020.

Run Forest Run!
04-07-2019, 10:44 PM
Guess now is time to switch my eyes from looking for maple trees while driving, to looking for dying elm trees . . . . Bring on the morels! See ya next year!

OMG, now that I know to look for dead elms my morel hunting may have just begun. It's something I have never done before. I have a great big dead elm right here! Can't wait until daybreak. lol Are there any other mushrooms that look like morels that are poisonous?

Zucker Lager
04-08-2019, 10:18 AM
Are there any other mushrooms that look like morels that are poisonous?

If you check online look for a picture of a cutaway of a true morel its hollow throughout from stipe to cap all in one piece but there are a few false ones Gyromytra E (sp?) is one if you look that one up it has a folded "brain like" look and the stipe / cap is not all one piece. The false morels can be toxic but super easy to ID. Morels love dying or dead elms but our club members have found them just about every location you can imagine, I'm especially happy to find them on a plate with a steak and glass of red wine................... Jay

Run Forest Run!
04-08-2019, 10:45 AM
Thanks Zucker Lager. I spent three glorious hours online, into the wee hours of the morning, reading up about morels. I am definitely going to be checking my property when the timing is right. It seems that I have some decent habitat for those delicious little things.

Twisted Minds
04-08-2019, 09:54 PM
OMG, now that I know to look for dead elms my morel hunting may have just begun. It's something I have never done before. I have a great big dead elm right here! Can't wait until daybreak. lol Are there any other mushrooms that look like morels that are poisonous?

RunForestRun, yes and no. There are false morels, but once you've seen and picked real morels, they're really easy to distinguish between. A good site to follow, much as I do here (hope this is ok to post), is morels.com. I don't believe they have a Canada report, but if you follow along with general states reports, probably Michigan as far as climate, you should be able to keep up with best times to look. Also, as with mapletrader, they have very friendly and helpful members, always willing to help novice and veteran as well share in the experience. If you do check it out, I am on the Wisconsin page under same moniker. They also have lots of information on other wild edibles. Best of luck.

Run Forest Run!
04-08-2019, 10:40 PM
Thanks so much for the guidance Twisted Minds. I stumbled across morels.com today and will definitely read more on that site. Hunting for morels sounds wonderful. A true treasure hunt!

Zucker Lager
04-09-2019, 11:22 AM
Thanks Zucker Lager. I spent three glorious hours online, into the wee hours of the morning, reading up about morels. I am definitely going to be checking my property when the timing is right. It seems that I have some decent habitat for those delicious little things.
Don't stop with just morels there are many fungi available throughout the year that are great edibles and I agree with Twisted Minds that joining a club is a great way to learn how / what to pick "safely" If you search Mycological Societies in your area I'll bet you'll find one close enough to go along on a foray sometime. Enjoy foraging fungi its as addicting as maple sugaring ha ha Jay