View Full Version : Sap -N- School 2019 Year 8

02-26-2019, 09:04 AM
For 8 years now I have been tapping trees with my Kindergarten class. It such a great way to teach so many aspects of math and science. Keeping track of our sap collection totals vs syrup yield, liquid conversations, reading a thermometer, learning to chop wood, start a fire and knowing your food sources will be everyday conversations for the next few months.

Enjoy sharing our process with. I update the photos pretty often.

https://www.facebook.com/pg/therileyschool/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2133394803370503&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBMqPe7RtWIDSJ-CfomeB5gv3S7UVTIwCNC2_IibrcbYK5k2-Dx77j_1xNvG0D7aZm0uSgdRiQAJ5m-9fqodLmz416cSNjAcwQrojBaSLCimliVpYW3k1qWchKxqYOXXN x2_ASf-ATYJd3iF3FwvxCT8xDTqORuR0A0oSF2sth2SqdDKjOb4OLuALU 7LaspE6PHU-lSR1sfLcPzsgsVPh1vLVwVJuqyGZi8RNu4JS646JPTa_vjnLsK Fd_MlM25vN956G5xkb4h306KR8pVzU3JflE2AkvEi5QduoJri4 Z7wdonDpDi7oahJp5CrRW3Y46LMtJzRwTl02ZsxSeqUYgfSQ&__tn__=-UC-R

for detailed information please read
http://bugsmudbooksandsticks.com/sap-n-school/ or http://bugsmudbooksandsticks.com/so-full-of-sap/


02-26-2019, 09:44 AM
That is great in what your doing. I wish every school would do this. Good luck to your season.


02-26-2019, 12:35 PM
Thank You.
We make 15 gallons of syrup so nothing huge. The amount of hands on learning and time spent learning about and in the outdoors is amazing.

Have a great season!

03-19-2019, 04:37 PM
Been out of commission myself for several years, but this is my first year back at it by doing sugaring with my fifth graders. They're loving it! NH Ag in the Classroom has been great. A handful of us teachers across the Granite State have connected and are sharing tips and resources.

I had them learn how to ID a maple in the winter, measure DBH and then estimate diameter, record GPS coordinates to map our sugarbush, and we're measuring and graphing every quart of sap collected. We're also graphing daily highs and lows.

Grateful for a bunch of donations to get this going; particularly Home Depot for food-safe 5-gal buckets and a local propane company that's setting up temporary bulk tank service for us!



03-19-2019, 05:09 PM
This is awesome. I wish I had something like this when I was a young sprout. Finding ways to let the kids have fun and learn practical knowledge at the same time is what it's all about! Keep up the good work.

03-20-2019, 08:02 AM
Fun! And it gets them aware of nature's processes!

03-22-2019, 09:44 AM
Awesome work with the budding sugarmakers!