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View Full Version : Uphill challenge

Cider Hill Maple Farm
02-19-2019, 12:15 PM
Hi all,

I have a 700 tap sugarbush downhill from the sugarhouse about 3/8 of a mile. I would some day, like be able to bring the sap from there, to the sugarhouse using vacuum. I'm guesstimating a 40 foot difference in elevation from my existing collection point to the sugarhouse, but not all the elevation change happens at once. From the collection point to my field, it's roughly a 15' change for 300', then flattens out for a quarter of a mile, then the remaining uphill to the shack.
I know the best way is to have a pump house, but I'm trying to eliminate generators and guzzler pumps. I have two (2) 27 cfm dairy pumps yet to install, and ideally have them at the shack with the extractor. If this can be achieved with a wet/dry system what size for each conductor? By the way, potential for 1,200 taps plus.



02-20-2019, 12:38 PM
Just speaking from experience, install a pump house and be done with it. I had a similar elevation I was trying to lift 30 ft using Lappier sap lifters in series. They do work but are far from ideal. You need excellent vacuum supplied at all times (24” or more) they freeze at night so required to check each morning. Best situation would be to get a electric realeser with a built in deep well pump and pump it out of the low spot to the sugar house.

02-21-2019, 05:52 AM
I second that with tylermct, definitely spend the money on a pump house. I have an electric releaser with submersible pump and its super reliable, have heard of many issues using vacuum to lift sap especially that high and far, you definitely wont regret it in the end