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View Full Version : Pasteurized maple sap into syrup

02-13-2019, 08:27 PM
I had someone call looking to sell a large amount of pasteurized sap in tetapak containers. I知 curious about boiling it to make syrup, I知 wondering if anyone has done this or has any experience with it. My initial instinct is to run but I知 intrigued.

Concerns are obviously:

Sugar content
Syrup quality
Age of the product (bottled in 2017)

Any thoughts appreciated

02-14-2019, 07:56 AM
Yea run might be the thing to do? Not a clue as to what they might have? Not close to the drink industry. My gut says it may not make anything of value? Get 5 gallons and try it on the stove??

02-14-2019, 08:34 AM
Easiest thing to do would be to taste it. If the sap doesn't taste good, the syrup may not.

I've not been overly impressed with some of the sap beverage products.....others are good or even very good. Some are decidedly not.