View Full Version : New member, sap selling

02-13-2019, 09:07 AM
Hi, just joined after snooping around for a year or so. Third year syruping. Started off with 30 taps . Last year had 140 trees tapped. Made about 15 gallons myself the rest of the sap I gave to a local producer.My question is this , my production capabilities are limited but I really enjoy running sap lines and collecting. I have the ability to tap upwards of 500 trees. I’m looking to sell sap to an area producer. Not looking to make a killing but would like to build some reserve money to expand my operations. I live in Orange County NY. Would be able to deliver within a reasonable distance. Really caught the bug and enjoy being outside. Learned a ton on this forum.

02-13-2019, 10:40 AM
In my area of north central Wisconsin the going rate is .15 per point per gallon, so 2% sap would be .30 and 3% would be .45 per gallon

02-13-2019, 10:54 AM
Thanks s.s.s my sap ran around 2.2 last year. Realize every year is different. Would like to establish a relationship with a big producer here. Retired just trying to stay busy between hunting and fishing season 😜 4 boys gone and on their own. Thanks for the info.

02-13-2019, 10:44 PM
No problem! have fun

maple flats
02-14-2019, 09:19 AM
Set a deal up with the sap buyer before you have a tank full. Agree on a price.
I got in a bind before I got my RO, and had to sell sap one year. I delivered 1150 gal of sap over a period of 4 days to the sugarhouse that bought it while we boiled 18-22 hrs a day to catch up.
That year I sold sap I originally took a check for the sap, but then reconsidered. I asked if I could get some of the syrup made and return the check. He agreed and I ended up with a 30 gal barrel of the syrup and had to pay for 16 gal of that. My syrup had made 28 gal, and I got 14 of it plus I paid for the rest at bulk price.
After I had my RO for 1 season I started doing sap on shares for 4 other producers.

02-15-2019, 06:48 AM
Thanks Maple flats. Right now I have 112 taps set up. I have 230 more mapped out to run lines on. All would be on 3/16 line with natural vacuum. As of now no one has responded to my offer, and I won’t run those lines until I have a sap buyer agreement. Should I post my offer on other areas of the forum.? I’m going to make some calls to syrup makers in the Sullivan and Delaware area. The one big syrup maker close to me is certified organic . Just love running lines and collecting. Right now for myself I’m running 4 chefs pans on a cinder block setup and a RO based off Mattitucks setup .

02-15-2019, 08:30 AM
I would post it in the farm section on craigslist

02-21-2019, 09:53 AM
I am looking to buy - to bad you are 5 hrs away

02-22-2019, 01:14 AM
I’m only an hour away shoot me a pm if you would deliver that far.