View Full Version : What's the lesser of evils?

02-09-2019, 07:24 AM
I missed a tree on a 3/16" lateral, so the lateral now misses it by about 6'.

Easiest out - Cut in a 6' drop.

More work - Cut the lateral, add a connector and run it to where it was supposed to go - BUT that adds another fitting.

What's the lesser of evils here - having a 6' drop or having an extra fitting on a 3/16" line?

02-09-2019, 07:48 AM
I'd be interested in seeing what the general consensus is as well. When I had this same problem running my lines this year I did the cut and splice method. But I did also consider just running a long drop. So far it is running well but I don't have anything to compare it to and the runs haven't been that good yet so it definitely isn't causing a bottleneck.

buckeye gold
02-09-2019, 08:06 AM
I had a repair that I had to take so much out it took me about 8 feet from a maple tree. Like you I did not want to splice, so I put in an 8 foot drop. I have had three good runs and I have not seen any problems. I did notice that about 1/3 of the drop held sap, but you could see more dripping so it was going into the lateral. I'd say put the long drop in. I did install my tap high enough to keep the drop above the lateral. This tree was the third tree from the top of my lateral and thus was higher in elevation. It might matter more if it was the last tree, low on the lateral. I have had a couple others probably 4 feet long and they seem to do ok.

maple flats
02-09-2019, 09:15 AM
I can see where either could be done, personally I would add a connector and a length of tubing to go around the tree and keep the drops all about the same length. However, I don't think either would be wrong.

02-09-2019, 05:23 PM
Thanks for all the feedback. I decided to put a long drop to the tree/lat. Thanks again.

02-10-2019, 07:44 PM
The other choice is to cut the current lateral where you would install the tap normally. Then replace the section of lateral to the next tap. You will have a section available to use elsewhere.
