View Full Version : Sap from 2 different states

02-05-2019, 01:03 PM
I live on the NY/VT border and I have the potential to tap in both states. My sugarhouse is in NY. Can I market my syrup as NY and VT maple syrup?
In other words, can I bottle and sell the syrup made from NY sap in NY jugs, and the syrup made from VT sap in VT jugs?
I am new at this and I just don't know what the rule is here.

02-05-2019, 02:24 PM
Not sure what the rule is, but my guess is that since it's not syrup until it's boiled...you'd market it as Syrup made in NY....or possibly Syrup made in NY with Vermont Sap.

Don't think you should call it Vermont Syrup. Kind of like buying Idaho potatoes and saying your french fries are Idaho Fries?

NH Maplemaker
02-05-2019, 05:08 PM
Can't speak for all state, but here in New Hampshire you can bring sap in from other states boil it and call it New Hampshire syrup! Just can't buy bulk and bring it here and call it New Hampshire syrup. Would think that would be the way it is most states.

02-05-2019, 05:52 PM
The regs I saw for NY as I understood it was, can only use up to 10% IF and Only if a certain grade can not be made for quantity needed. I'm a hobby guy so I'm not selling and it doesn't effect me. It sounds like you are collecting from each state and boiling them separate at one location. You have to prove that each run is from that state. Could be hard to prove. It will be interesting to see what other with the knowledge have to say.

02-07-2019, 05:44 AM
Thanks for the feedback. New York Maple Syrup it is!

02-07-2019, 05:47 AM
Run two batches through. See if you can taste the difference. ��

What would be really interesting is if your mainline crosses the border into your sugarshack or collection tank!

02-07-2019, 12:33 PM
Stoweski, I may do that just out of curiosity! I do not have any lines crossing the border at this time, but it could happen in the future.

02-07-2019, 01:11 PM
My sugarhouse is also on a border town and I collect sap from three towns along the Massachusetts/Connecticut border. I used to buy some sap from a couple of people in Massachusetts but since they were actually closer to me than furthest Connecticut bush and I was boiling it in Connecticut I always considered it Connecticut syrup. It was also less than 10% of all my sap.

The further you go though, the syrup flavor will start changing. It's one of the things I like about maple syrup and most people don't realize is that different areas have different flavors, like wine. I would just want to make sure that my syrup is consistent and if you start mixing in sap from too far away, it could effect the flavor.

VT has pretty strict laws so I'd be careful about making any claims about VT syrup without checking.

02-07-2019, 04:21 PM
I’d be curious to see, but I’d doubt it’s any different.

You on state line? I’m pretty familiar with that area. Parents grew up in Hoosick Falls. Still have family over there. Cousin got married on a farm on State Line a few years ago.

02-08-2019, 10:34 AM
No, I am on Gannon Rd. About a mile through the woods from State Line Rd. The gentleman that runs the State Line Farm over there also has a really nice sugaring operation.

Bucket Head
02-08-2019, 11:42 AM
I bought buckets and covers from a guy who was on the NY/VT border. He got sap (not sure how much) from VT but his sugar house was in NY. He said he asked whoever it was who came for an inspection and he got a short response of, "Your not selling sap- your selling syrup and that was made in NY!". Now this story comes from decades ago so I'm not sure who was inspecting and I have no idea how bordering state's factor in with today's rules regulations.


02-11-2019, 01:38 PM
Bucket Head, thank you for your input. That makes perfect sense to me.

Sugar Bear
02-12-2019, 03:20 PM
New York State ... especially across the southern range of the state as in the mid slopes of the Catskill, Taconic and Fahnstock Plateaus, has healthier sugar maple trees then anywhere in Vermont that I have scene.

So I would advertise it as better syrup because it is Made in New York ( which it is and presumably from better trees )