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View Full Version : Waterloo/Small questions

Maple Time
02-04-2019, 01:39 PM
Hi everyone,

I have recently inherited a Waterloo/Small evaporator from my wife's grandfather. The pans measure about 19 by 66. There is only this sticker on it there doesn't seem to be a model name.
The 2 pans are connected and the draw off valve is on the right side.
On the left side there is just a plugged tube on the flue pan and no openings on the syrup pan.
There are also 2 threaded ports on top of the flue pan. He had it set up with sap feeding in thru one of these with a ball valve threaded into it.

Does anyone know if they make a float box for this evaporator or any other information about it in general?


02-04-2019, 08:09 PM
I would check with a Lapierre dealer as I believe they own Waterloo/Small. www.mapleguys.com is one place to look. Have fun with the new rig!