View Full Version : First Time Testing an RO

02-04-2019, 01:21 PM
Hi All,
We just started to get into the sweet sticky stuff a couple of years ago. We had about 30 taps last year but plan to increase every year. I had the opportunity to buy a 4 membrane commercial RO really cheap that was used for bottled water, but had not been used in a while so, the membranes were not in great condition, and it is missing the control panel. Over the summer I got it running (manually)and it seems to be working but, I would like to test it before running sap through it. So, my question is, what do you think if I made up a drum of a sugar water to see if it will concentrate this light sugar water solution to see if it is in fact working? Thanks for your thoughts...... and prayers!

02-04-2019, 05:46 PM
I would get new membranes if using it for syrup. God knows what was put through those membranes before. And if they’ve been sitting for a while. Then it’s been festering in there. Not gonna add any good flavour to your syrup.
But if you want to test for testing purposes if it’s gonna concentrate. Then get yourself a cheap tds meter. A pen style one works fine.
1. First test your ppm of your water. Let’s say it’s 300 ppm. That’s typical bottled water. Might be more if it’s well water. But dosnt matter. As long as it’s got some ppm. Don’t use distilled or already RO’d water. The ppm will be super low if any at all.
2. Run the water through your RO. Test the permeate. If your RO is working it should be close to 0 ppm.

02-04-2019, 09:16 PM
Thanks for the information Bricklayer. I just ordered one. So, if this works, it should work for sap? I did run a bunch of water through it when we first got it running then a cleaning, then put them in the storage solution. The amount we are making at this point doesn't warrant purchasing 4 membranes but, maybe I can replumb it for one. Do you think if the water doesn't taste funky then it might be worth a try for a batch of sap?

02-04-2019, 10:07 PM
For your tap count 1 membrane will be plenty.
I would not use old unknown history membranes. Not worth it.
For testing it yes. But not for sap.
MES $230. Best deal out there. Get 1. Good for years to come.

02-05-2019, 06:35 PM
You are probably right. I will look at purchasing one and just using that (after testing to see if it even works). The tds meeter is on the way!
Thanks for your help.