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View Full Version : Diaphragm setup?

02-04-2019, 11:57 AM
I installed 3/16 gravity into a 3/4 line. The 3/4 mainline is All but a mile to the sugar shack. Everything was put on high tension wire and sloped to the shack. Now that the sap is flowing everything sagged a bit. I'm concerned the sap will freeze and take forever to thaw hindering the next sap flow.

What would be the best way to clear the lines everynight? Or shoud i just buy a diaphragm pump to help things along?
If so what's the best option out there on short notice?

Thanks all.

02-04-2019, 05:41 PM
Okay. Slowed myself down to think a bit. What I'm looking for is a pump to clear out my lines at the end of the day. I have 1/2 a dozen vacuum pumps but no releaser. What kind of pump can I get to put in line without a releaser? These diaphram pumps. Are they worth it? Diaphrams runs $ and need replaced how often? Am i better off getting a releaser? Open to any ideas to keep sap out of the sags. Main line needs removed at the end of season and pounding posts isn't an option. Basically I went from power pole to power pole and cranked as hard as I could. I side tied it where possible to tighten but still a few spots I'm concerned about.

02-04-2019, 06:00 PM
No pump needed
You know where the low spots are now so the best way to get the sags out is either side tie the mainline but that is kinda hard to do while the mainline is installed and laterals are on. It may slack some of your laterals. Creating more work.
Best option is to prop your mainline up to get rid of the sags. This can be done with many things but what I used last year when I was dealt the same problem was 2x4’s nailed together like an x. With a brace on the bottom. I’m sure someone here has pictures. But I don’t.

02-04-2019, 06:07 PM
Fortunately there are no laterals where I'm having issues. Just not anything to side tie to. I did make 1 crutch for one spot. Were you able to keep dry lines after that? If they do freeze, how long till a 3/4 line thaws after flow starts?

02-04-2019, 07:33 PM
How many taps do you have on the main? I have 140 on 3/16 going into a 3/4 main and even on a good flow it will only be half full.

02-04-2019, 08:17 PM
At the moment 300ish but potentially a 1000+ in coming years.

02-04-2019, 10:01 PM
You will need to put posts in to hold up your main and keep it from sagging.
If you have nothing to side tie your wire to and big gaps in support of the main then your gonna get low spots and your sap will back up. Only way to cure this is to support the mainline with posts and keep it from sagging.
We used metal fence posts last year also in a couple spots and started from the furthest sagging spot and work in the flowing direction of sap
When you get it to the right height on the post use a wire tie and tie it to the post.